Research Articles
Female Olympians’ voices: Female sports categories and International Olympic Committee Transgender guidelines
Cathy Devine
‘Who unlocked the kitchen?’: Online misogyny, YouTube comments and women’s professional street skateboarding
Brigid McCarthy
Fear of judgement and women’s physical (in)activity experiences
Emma Seal, Matthew Nicholson, Nicola McNeil, Arthur Stukas, Paul O’Halloran, and Erica Randle
Swimming as self-care – A Foucauldian analysis of swimming for Danish Muslim women
Verena Lenneis, Adam B. Evans, and Sine Agergaard
Extreme weight control behaviors among adolescent athletes: Links with weight-related maltreatment from parents and coaches and sport ethic norms
Véronique Boudreault, Marie-Pierre Gagnon-Girouard, Noémie Carbonneau, Sophie Labossière, Catherine Bégin, and Sylvie Parent
Open Access
Granting the privilege to grunt: Reconceptualizing the perception of grunting in gyms
Assaf Lev and Esther Hertzog
The toponymy of sporting venues: A multinomial logistic regression analysis of football stadium names
Mihai Stelian Rusu
“I can’t just post anything I want”: Self-management of South Korean sports stars on social media
Eunhye Yoo