Editorial Essay
On the International Review for the Sociology of Sport, the field of play, and six years of more “more than less”
Lawrence Wenner
Research Articles
Contested terrain and terrain that contests: Donald Trump, golf’s environmental politics, and a challenge to anthropocentrism in Physical Cultural Studies
Brad Millington and Brian Wilson
Challenge and relief: A Foucauldian disciplinary analysis of retirement from professional association football in the United Kingdom
Luke Jones and Jim Denison
In-ger-land, In-ger-land, In-ger-land! Exploring the impact of soccer on the sense of belonging of those seeking asylum in the UK
Donna Woodhouse and Dom Conricode
Sports and structured leisure as sites of victimization for children and young people in Finland: Looking at the significance of gender and ethnicity
Marja Peltola and Antti Kivijärvi
Risky bodies, risky spaces, maternal ‘instincts’: Swimming and motherhood
Adam B Evans, Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson, and Rachel Williams
Access, agenda building and information subsidies: Media relations in professional sport
Merryn Sherwood, Matthew Nicholson, and Timothy Marjoribanks
Coping with dilemma: How German sport media users respond to sport mega events in autocratic countries
Felix Flemming, Marco Lünich, Frank Marcinkowski, and Christopher Starke