Openly lesbian team sport athletes in an era of decreasing homohysteria
Eric Anderson and Rachael Bullingham
Women and the blogosphere: Exploring feminist approaches to sport
Dunja Antunovic and Marie Hardin
Youth, action sports and political agency in the Middle East: Lessons from a grassroots parkour group in Gaza
Holly Thorpe and Nida Ahmad
Adopting the diasporic son: Jeremy Lin and Taiwan sport nationalism
Ying Chiang and Tzu-hsuan Chen
The comparability of quantitative surveys on sport participation in France (1967–2010)
Olivier Aubel and Brice Lefèvre
Relative Age Effect and chi-squared statistics
Nicolas Delorme and Stéphane Champely
Book reviews
Book review: Sport and South Asian Diasporas: Playing through Time and Space
Aarti Ratna
Book review: Sport & Peace: A Sociological Perspective
Yosuke Washiya
Book review: The Big Fix: The Hunt for the Match-Fixers Bringing Down Soccer
Neal Ternes
Book review: Aboriginal Peoples & Sport in Canada: Historical Foundations and Contemporary Issues
Ashley Richardson
Book review: Rickey & Robinson: The True, Untold Story of the Integration of Baseball
Casey Ratto
Book review: Game Over: How Politics Has Turned the Sports World Upside Down
Kyle W Kusz
Book review: Fighting for Recognition: Identity, Masculinity, and the Act of Violence in Professional Wrestling
Bruce Lee Hazelwood