In 2016, the Inaugural Congress on Sport and Christianity took place in York, England, hosted by York St. John University. The event drew nearly 200 participants from 24 different nations. Best-selling author, activist, and scholar Tony Campolo delivered the opening address, setting the tone for posing questions and seeking answers in sport through the lens of authentic Christian faith. Other keynotes lectures and more than 80 additional presentations were given by scholars and practitioners, each providing new insights and reflections on the culture of sport as it relates Christian thought and life.
In 2019, we’ll continue the energetic conversation. The Second Global Congress on Sport and Christianity, hosted by Calvin College and Hope College, will take place at the Prince Conference Center in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Co-Directors Brian Bolt (Calvin College) and Chad Carlson (Hope College) invite high quality work on sport and Christianity from scholars in fields such as sociology, cultural studies, anthropology, philosophy, theology, religious studies, kinesiology, psychology, history, ancient and modern languages, literature, economics, and business; or from practitioners in fields such as ministry, sport ministry, mission work, counseling, social work, and teaching/coaching.
Abstracts should be 200-250 words. Reference to scholarship on the abstract topic is encouraged. Beyond the abstract, submission should include a presentation title, author name(s), institution or affiliation, a two-sentence (maximum) biography, contact address, email address, and telephone number. The abstract and accompanying information should be submitted as Microsoft Word or PDF (or compatible) files. Scholars are encouraged to submit proposals in either of two categories:
- Proposals for individual papers: (20-minute presentation time) which the program committee will then group into appropriate parallel sessions.
- Proposals for complete parallel sessions: typically composed of 3 or 4 presenters at 20 minutes each and 10-minutes for discussion of each paper.
The deadline for submission of all types of presentations is Friday, 15 March 2019. PLEASE SUBMIT ALL PROPOSALS TO: Letters of acceptance or rejection will be sent in mid-April 2019.
The Advisory Board will evaluate all submissions according to their individual merit, contribution to the field, and fit within the total program. Please email Chad Carlson ( with any questions.
For example abstracts, please see the 2GCSC website.
Important: Implicit Agreement to Attend Conference. Submission of an abstract indicates the intent of the authors to register for the conference at the appropriate conference fee and to be available to present on any of the days of the conference.
Chad Carlson ’03
Associate Professor of Kinesiology