Call for Papers | Sport&EU Conference 2015, June 25–26, Angers, France | Submission deadline Jan. 24, 2015


essca-angersAfter Ghent, Nottingham, Lausanne, Istanbul and Cologne, the Association for the Study of Sport and the European Union (Sport&EU) moves to Western France for its 10th Annual Conference, which will be hosted on 25 and 26 June 2015 by ESSCA School of Management on its main campus in Angers.

The association would like to seize the occasion of this anniversary conference to reflect on the development of its field of study and put into perspective what our research may have contributed to European integration studies over the last decade. At the same time we want to look ahead to the future development of EU sports policy under article 165 Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) and, on a more general note, discuss the challenges ahead for European sport, its role within the European integration process, and the prospects of academic research on these two subjects. Against this backdrop, the association invites the submission of paper and panel proposals that address one or more of the main thematic topics identified for the conference:

  • Bosman at 20: Legal, political, economic, social and cultural consequences of the Bosman ruling
  • Beyond Bosman: A critical analysis of 25 years of economic upheaval in European sport
  • Sport&EU at 10: What have we learnt about Europe through sport?
  • Article 165: First programmes and decisions; future perspectives
  • The corporate social responsibility of professional sport in Europe
  • Theorising the EU and sport
  • Gender issues in European sport
  • Minorities and sport in Europe

Following one of Sport&EU’s established traditions, we strongly encourage proposals with original interdisciplinary approaches including works in the fields of law, economics, business and social sciences. As always we are also very interested to see work in progress by PhD candidates or graduate students. In line with Sport&EU’s traditional policy of promoting gender equality, female academics and/or practitioners are particularly encouraged to send their proposals.

For single paper proposals, please send a 250-word abstract, together with a short biography and your contact details.

For panel proposals (maximum of 3 papers per panel) please send in a single document a 250-word panel abstract, together with a 250-word abstract for each paper and a short biographic note for each presenter. Please also indicate whether you have identified a chair for the panel or whether you would request the organisers to allocate one. All paper and panel proposals should clearly indicate which one of the thematic topics they address.

Proposals should be sent by email to the organisers at the following address: conference [at]

Please note the submission deadline: 24 January 2015.

All paper or panel proposals will receive a reply by 28 February 2015.

Online papers from the 2014 conference can be accessed here.

More on the hosts of the 2015 conference can be found here.


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