Call for Papers | “Managing Sport Events for Beneficial Outcomes” | Special issue of Event Management: An International Journal

  • Guest Editors: Dr. Luke Potwarka and Dr. Ryan Snelgrove
  • Submission Deadline: March 1, 2016

cancer-sport-world-championshipSport events are often praised for their ability to accrue benefits to the host community. Benefits claimed by those who support the hosting of sport events are numerous, including increased spending at local businesses, job creation, increased tourism, improved destination image and notoriety, legacy facilities and programs, inspired sport participation, and enhanced community pride and socialization (Brown & Massey, 2001; Gursoy & Kendall, 2006). Benefits can also accrue to athletes, spectators, and volunteers. Although economic benefits have been the focus of significant attention and debate in the literature, researchers have recently shifted their attention towards more intangible benefits of events, such as social (e.g., Heere et al., 2013; Kaplanidou, 2012; Misener, 2015; Smith, 2009), urban regeneration (e.g., Smith, 2012), and physical activity and sport participation (e.g., Craig & Bauman, 2014; Taks et al., 2014; Weed et al. 2009). However, the hosting of sport events has also been found to negatively impact communities such as the diversion of tax dollars, traffic congestion, displacement of residents, environmental damage, and difficulties with security (e.g., Balduck et al., 2011; Preuss & Solberg, 2006).

In relation to both economic and intangible benefits, the predominant view remains that sport events have the potential to create a net positive outcome if managed effectively (Chalip, 2006). However, the majority of studies on the benefits of hosting sport events have focused on assessing outcomes, but less so on processes or mechanisms by which outcomes might be achieved (Ziakas, 2014). Furthermore, research on positive and negative outcomes from sport events has most often been conducted in the context of larger scale events such as the Olympics (Taks, 2013).

Thus, what is lacking is empirical evidence to inform the effective management of different types and scales of events in ways that maximize benefits and/or minimize negative outcomes in host communities. As such, this special issue of Event Management seeks to publish empirical papers that contribute to theoretical understandings and best practices aimed at managing sport events to attain desired benefits to host communities. Various methodologies are welcome.

Submission Guidelines

Submission guidelines for this special issue must adhere to the submission guidelines for Event Management: An International Journal, which can be found at

The cover page for the manuscript should clearly state that the submission is for the special issue on Managing Sport Events for Beneficial Outcomes

Submission Deadline: March 1, 2016. All submissions and queries should be sent electronically to one of the Guest Editors:

  • Luke Potwarka, Ph.D., Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies Faculty of Applied Health Sciences University of Waterloo
  • Ryan Snelgrove, Ph.D. Department of Kinesiology Faculty of Human Kinetics University of Windsor


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