Call for Papers | IACS 2023 – Summit on Communication and Sport | Barcelona, March 9–11, 2023. Call ends September 23, 2022


The International Association for Communication and Sport (IACS) invites you to submit your work for a presentation or panel discussion for the 2023 Summit on Communication and Sport. The IACS Summit is the only stand-alone conference for communication researchers interested in exploring sport from diverse critical, methodological, theoretical, and multi-disciplinary perspectives. The Summit welcomes submissions from all methodological and theoretical perspectives. This year’s Summit will be co-hosted by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and the University of Alabama.

Submissions will open in July at All submissions will be evaluated through an anonymous peer review process. Author(s) will receive email notification regarding the outcome of their submission on approximately Friday, October 28, 2022. A maximum of two (2) submissions in total (papers, panels, or one of each) from a single author will be considered for presentation, regardless of author order.


Research and panel sessions are one hour and fifteen minutes long. Research sessions will
be constructed to allow for at least 15 minutes of discussion following the presentations.

Scholars interested in submitting to the 2023 Summit have two options:

      1. an extended abstract submission; or
      2. a panel discussion submission.

All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:

may not exceed 500 words (excluding references) in length and should be prepared for anonymous peer review (clear of any identifying information about the author(s).

must focus on a clearly defined theme suitable for an interactive discussion format. Submissions must include a title, a description of up to 250 words explaining the focus and rationale, and a list of all panelists’ institutional or professional affiliation.

IACS will recognize the Top Student Paper submitted to the Summit. For award consideration, a full-length manuscript must be submitted to the review committee by Friday, January 27, 2023. Students must submit an abstract of their work at the October deadline. Recognition of Top Student Paper will be determined by anonymous peer review of the submission. Papers for consideration must be solely authored by the student(s).

There is only one extended abstract submission – there will not be separate review criteria for works- in-progress and completed papers. All should be submitted as extended abstracts and will be judged using the same criteria.

will be selected from self-nomination through the submission process. Reviewers must have, at minimum, a completed master’s degree, and have knowledge in the academic disciplines of communication and sport. Reviewers must identify their area of reviewing expertise (quantitative methodology, qualitative methodology, mixed methods, rhetorical/critical).

All research submissions will be reviewed based on the following criteria:

      • Clarity of thesis; definition of problem
      • Theoretical perspective
      • Background; review of the literature
      • Research questions/hypotheses and/ or rhetorical/critical argument
      • Appropriateness of methodology

By submitting an abstract or panel to the 2023 Summit on Communication and Sport, you understand thatyour submission enters you into an obligation to attend the Summit. At least one author listed on the paper must attend the Summit. If you cannot be there to present, it is your responsibility to secure one of your other authors to present your work. Please be conscientious that last- minute cancellations prevent others from being invited to the Summit to present their work.

Program Committee

      • Dr. Evan Frederick, Chair IACS
      • Dr. Angela Pratt, Vice-Chair IACS
      • Dr. Karen Hartman, Executive Director IACS
      • Dr. Emilio Fernández Peña
      • Dr. Andrew Billings

Summit Inquiries

For conference events inquiries, please contact Dr. Karen Hartman

IACS listserv

Visit and join to find Summit information (including hotel and registration information)


All questions about submissions should be emailed to Evan Frederick at


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