Call for Applications | International Summer School for young scholars in sport history | Oslo, June 27-30 2022. Application deadline February 1, 2022

A piece of sport history: Opening Ceremony of the Rome 1960 Paralympic Games (©IPC)

Organized by Université Gustave Eiffel in France and Université de Lausanne in Switzerland and based on the legacy of the “Copenhagen Summer School“ (held since 2003 by Gertrud Pfister), this international summer school aims to promote sport history but also more broadly social and human sciences used to analyse the sport phenomenon.

This course aims to provide a unique environment for PhD students who seek to develop skills around sport history, and to improve their network in the field. Lectures given by leading experts will cover specific methodological aspects and new issues in the field of sport history. Participants will also have the opportunity to present and discuss their own research in working sessions.

The summer school in 2022 will be held in Oslo on the campus of the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, just before the beginning of the ISHPES conference which gives the opportunity to take part at both events.

Dates and location

From June 27th to June 30th 2022, in Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Oslo


Candidates may provide a 500 words abstract of their research project on: Deadline: February 1, 2022


Pierre-Olaf Schut,

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