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    Call for Papers | Bodies in Motion: Reassessing Materiality through Space and Time, 16th annual Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies Graduate Student Conference | The University of New Mexico,...

    The “Bodies in Motion” conference presents an opportunity for scholars and graduate students to collectively explore and rethink the relationship between bodies, materiality, space and time, thereby enriching the intellectual landscape within these fields and fostering a deeper understanding of our rapidly changing world. Keynote lecture to be delivered by: Kirsten Pai Buick, University of New Mexico.

    Call for Papers | Language, Gender and Sexuality in Sport | De Montfort University, April 5, 2024. Call ends December 11, 2023

    This event will showcase new research and work-in-progress investigating the role of language in shaping our understanding of gender and sexuality in sports contexts. It aims to critically interrogate the discourses that create, sustain and challenge inequalities within this field. We welcome contributions from a wide range of disciplines that tie into the theme of the one-day conference.

    Call for Papers | “Race, Gender, and the Queering/ Querying of Sporting Cultures”, Special Issue of Women’s Studies International Forum | Call ends March 1, 2024

    We are pleased to welcome submissions of essays, poetry, short fiction, activist statements, manifestos, notes from the field, and artwork that examine issues relating to a wide range of movement cultures among differently positioned womyn of color and, also, represent a significant contribution to the fields of feminist, queer, critical studies of race, transnationalism, and interdisciplinary Women’s and Gender Studies.

    Call for Chapters | Bodies, Gender, Identities, an edited Open Access volume. Abstract submission deadline is May 14, 2023

    The aim of this publication is to establish a dialogue between different approaches to its titular theme, Bodies, Gender, Identities, with a focus on all Asian cultures and societies as well as their diasporic manifestations. We welcome contributions that address any issue related to the theme, such as the governance of life; embodiment and affect; gendered experiences; gender diversity and sexualities; performance and the construction of identities; social and cultural practices concerning birth and death, food, spirituality, love and intimacy, pain, etc.

    Call for Papers | “Body and Sexuality: Beyond Cultural Binaries”, Special Issue of Language, Literature, and Interdisciplinary Studies | Call ends February 15, 2023

    The heteronormative paradigms of sexuality oversimplify the lived experiences of body and overlook the pitfalls of essentialism, biologism and naturalism. So, the questions germane to this area are: How does the focus on material body and its sexuality make it a site of socio-political inscription? How does the “pharmaco-pornographic regimes,” to use Paul Preciado’s phrase, reformulate the bodily identity in twenty-first century? How does politics of difference negotiate and overcome the so-called discursivation of gendered bodies?

    Call for Papers | “Painful Pleasure, Pleasurable Pain”, Special Issue of Journal for the Study of British Cultures | Call ends July 1, 2020

    Pain and pleasure are operative in the negotiation of the limits of the normative and the transgressive, but they are also intertwined within realms that are considered to be part of everyday culture and, as such, challenge the traditional dichotomy associated with both concepts – from the mother giving birth, to the marathon runner pushing his/her body to the limit, to the pleasures arising from modifiable flesh (e.g., tattoos, piercings etc.).

    Call for Abstracts | The Speculative Body: Race, Gender and Sexuality in the Televisual Imagination | Call ends October 15, 2018

    We understand “body” in a broad sense, both encompassing but also expanding outside of the (presumed) domains of gender, race, and sexuality to question and destabilize the boundaries of both the human and the national “body”. All disciplines are welcome, but writers must anchor their analysis in a televisual story accessible to US audiences.

    Call for Papers | Endangered bodies: Representing and Policing the Body in Western Popular Culture | International Conference, October 8–9, 2018, University of Lisbon, Portugal. Call ends July 31,...

    The notion of ‘endangered bodies’, or bodies in danger, arises from our concern with current Western political and socio-economic tendencies and practices against the discriminated or disenfranchised Other, whose body is physically, materially and symbolically subjected to internal pressures towards normalization and homogenization.

    Call for Papers | Uniformly discussed: Sportswomen’s apparel | Anthology, edited by Linda K. Fuller. Call ends June 15, 2018

    Titillating or tortuous, appealing or atrocious, skimpy or serious, the uniforms that sportswomen wear have long been under scrutiny. Emphasizing the language of sport, proposals are invited for this edited volume with a working title of Uniformly discussed: Sportswomen’s apparel, with Palgrave Macmillan as a probable publisher.

    Public defence of doctoral thesis | Sexual Relationships between Athletes and Coaches: Love, Sexual Consent, and Abuse by Susanne Johansson

    Coach-athlete sexual relationships (CASR) and sexual harassment and abuse (SHA) in sport can profoundly impact athletes’ welfare and performance. Yet, it is often ignored due to sensitivity, secrecy, and lack of knowledge. This is the first thorough study of SHA in sport and legal, consensual, same-sex CASR in Sweden.
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