That Was The Week That Was,
September 12–18, 2022


Dear all,

Last week the following items were published on (see below; language and publication dates, YYMMDD, in brackets). Click on the red headings to go to content. Utilize the Google Translate service to turn Scandinavian language pages into (some sort of) English.
Have a great week,
Kjell Eriksson

Feature Article

A new research project explores the contribution of physical education and health to the sustainable development agenda: the POSSIBILITY project

The purpose of the strategic research and development initiative “Physical educatiOn, health and SuStaInaBILITY” (POSSIBILITY) is to increase our knowledge of and possible contribution to education for sustainable development within the field of physical education and health. In this feature article, the project and the published results so far is presented by Andreas Fröberg, Suzanne Lundvall & Petter Wiklander. (Published in English 220913.

Book Review

On Boxing: Critical Interventions in the Bittersweet Science by Joseph D. Lewandowski

In On Boxing: Critical Interventions in the Bittersweet Science (Routledge), philosophy professor Joseph Lewandowski, well versed in the noble art of self-defense, offers a philosophical and cultural critique of contemporary boxing in the United States. We asked Anne Tjønndal of Nord University, a seasoned boxer herself, for a review. Some critical points notwithstanding, she finds that Lewandowski’s effort serves to inspire readers to further critical explorations of combat sports. It is, she concludes, a highly enjoyable read for anyone interested in boxing in the US. (Published in English 220915)

New Blog Post

The retirement of Roger Federer is the abdication of tennis royalty by David Rowe

This is a time of endings. In the midst of the all-consuming media spectacle surrounding the death of Queen Elizabeth II, “tennis royalty” in the form of Roger Federer will retire in the same week and in the same city that she is laid to rest. When the career of a sporting celebrity concludes, it is widely represented as if they have died, in what journalists call “sports obituaries”. The person in question is usually still alive and will probably go on to be successful in the business, media and/or charity sectors. But the experience of watching them perform live at the stadium or on screen immediately mutates into nostalgic reflection. (Published in English 220918.)

New Issues of Scholarly Journals

(We rely heavily on journal publishers delivering on their promises of new issue alerts. Sometimes they don’t.)

  • Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, Volume 93, 2022, Issue 5 220912)
  • Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, Volume 16, 2022, Issue 3 (220912)
  • Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Volume 44, 2022, Issue 4 (220913)
  • Kinesiology Review, Volume 11, 2022, Issue 3 (220913)
  • The International Journal of the History of Sport, Volume 39, 2022, Issue 6 (220913)
  • Soccer & Society, Volume 23, 2022, Issue 6 (220915
  • Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, Volume 11, 2022, Issue 3 (220915)
  • Event Management: An international journal, Volume 26, 2022, Number 6 (220916)

News items (calls for papers, vacancies, etc.)

  • Call for Papers | Spaces in Between: Bridging Movement Meaning Research & Practice | Dansk bevægelses- og idræts­pædagogisk forskningsnetværk, den 10 november 2022, Købehavns Universitet. Deadline för abstracts den 3 oktober 2022 (220914)
  • Disputation | Exercising on the edge: mitochondrial and metabolic responses to intense training | Mikael Flockhart, GIH, Torsdagen den 22 September 2022 (220914)
  • Call for Papers | 2023 Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA Conference | Samford University, Birmingham, AL., F February 22–24, 2023. Call ends November 4, 2022 (220914)
  • Call for Papers | “A Half Century of Canadian Leisure Research: Towards a More Inclusive Future”, 17th Canadian Congress on Leisure Research | Ottawa, Canada, May 23–26, 2023. Call ends November 15, 2022 (220914)


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