That Was The Week That Was,
June 17–23, 2024


Dear all,

Summer is upon us at last, at least according to the calendar, and as usual we halt the publication of original texts, i.e., research and feature articles and book reviews. We will still announce calls for papers, new journal issues presentations, and such like. However, I am sometimes presented with submissions during summer that the writer and myself feel call for immediate publication.
During this first half of the year we published five peer reviewed research articles (in Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum), six non-refereed research articles, eight feature articles, and 54 book reviews.
This is the last newsletter for the spring semester. Last week the following items were published on (see below; language and publication dates, YYMMDD, in brackets). Click on the red headings to go to content. Utilize the Google Translate service to turn Scandinavian language pages into (some sort of) English.
Have a wonderful summer holiday,,
Kjell Eriksson

Feature Article

Tensions in the sociocultural identifications of sports coaching


Sanna Erdoğan is a PhD scholar at Lapland University in Finland. With long experience as a boxing coach, her dissertation project investigates the identification of competition-level coaches’ competence and examines what kind of know-how is required to get qualification as a coach. In this feature article she briefly overviews three themes from her doctoral study: masculinities in sports culture, practical traditions of coaching, and respect for winning, and discusses preliminary findings that influence the possibility of being a coach. (Published in English 240618.

Book Reviews

Power Played: A Critical Criminology of Sport, by Derek Silva & Liam Kennedy (eds.)

(Shutterstock/Matthew Jacques)

Derek Silva & Liam Kennedy’s edited collection Power Played: A Critical Criminology of Sport (UBC Press) convincingly argues that modern sport can be characterized by unequal and problematic power relations that are inextricably linked to issues of violence, harm, deviance, and punishment. We asked Tony B. Mickelsson for a review, and he delivered a thorough and insightful presentation and evaluation of an impressive endeavor worth reading, with many strengths and only (very) minor weaknesses. (Review in English, published 240617.)

Indian Club Swinging and the Birth of Global Fitness: Mugdars, Masculinity and Marketing, by Conor Heffernan

Indian Club Swinging Tutorial for the Combo Sequence with the ZenKahuna, posted on YouTube June 28, 2020.

Conor Heffernans new book Indian Club Swinging and the Birth of Global Fitness: Mugdars, Masculinity and Marketing (Bloomsbury) tells the story of the rise and growth of club swinging as it spread from India to Europe and America, asking why and how it became so popular. Hans Bolling likes a good historical account, and the history of Club Swinging was new to him. He commends and recommends Heffernan’s interesting, readable and well-researched book about a phenomenon that fell out of fashion well over a century ago. (Review in English, published 240617.)

New Issues of Scholarly Journals

(We’re currently reviewing this service, since it’s a rather time-consuming undertaking. In the meanwhile we’re presenting some of the journals in line with the Forum’s core mission.)

  • European Sport Management Quarterly, Volume 24, 2024, Issue 3 (240623)

News items (calls for papers, vacancies, etc.)

(Shutterstock/Vladimir Wrangel)
  • Ny avhandling från Karolinska Institutet: Nytt dopningstest kan avslöja fler fuskande kvinnliga idrottare (240517)
  • New doping test can reveal more cheating female athletes (240617)
  • Call for Proposals | Ethics and Sport book series, short books (240622)
  • Call for Papers | “Sports Marketing, Journalism, Communications and Sponsorship: Current trends and perspectives”, III International SPRING Conference | University of Malaga, February 20–21, 2025. Call ends September 30, 2024 (240623)

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