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    Tag: Youngbum Kwon

    International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship, Vol 23, 2022, No 1

    IJSMS is the world’s leading journal for the sports marketing industry, and provides a vital resource to both academic and industry experts. For academics it is an opportunity to publish the highest quality, peer-reviewed research. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: No games to watch: empirical analysis of sport fans’ stress and coping strategies during COVID-19 lockdown by Youngbum Kwon, Dae Hee Kwak.

    International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship, Vol 22, 2021, No 3

    IJSMS is the world’s leading journal for the sports marketing industry, and provides a vital resource to both academic and industry experts. For academics it is an opportunity to publish the highest quality, peer-reviewed research. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Product meanings as drivers of sport consumer behavior: evidence from the Greek sport industry by Dimitra Papadimitriou, Artemisia Apostolopoulou, Scott Branvold, Dimitrios Gargalianos.

    International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, Vol. 19, 2019, No. 3/4

    The International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing (IJSMM), a refereed journal published four times per year, aims to present current practice and research in the area of sport management and marketing. IJSMM is a unique publication useful for everyone interested in the new developments in sport management and marketing theory and practices.
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