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    Anthropologists bring new perspectives to the study of sports

    In The Anthropology of Sport: Bodies, Borders, Biopolitics (University of California Press), authors Niko Besnier, Susan Brownell and Thomas F. Carter explore how sport both shapes and is shaped by the social, cultural, political, and historical contexts in which we live. We asked Dr. Sepandarmas Mashreghi to read and review their effort for Her well-balanced review points out the interesting and scholarly rewarding features that by far overshadow the sometimes monotonous tone.

    Great narratives and experimental methodologies successfully capture empirical, everyday experiences

    Jayne Caudwell & Darragh McGee’s edited volume Human Rights and Events, Leisure and Sport (Routledge) originated as a special issue of the Leisure Studies journal. In ten chapters, various mega events and other social phenomena are studied from the point of view of human rights. In his review, Lasse Frandsen takes a closer look at two instances, the Calais Jungle refugee camp and the São Paulo Pride 2017.

    Leisure Studies, Volume 37, 2018, Issue 1: Human Rights and Events, Leisure and Sport

    Leisure Studies is the journal of the Leisure Studies Association. The emphasis of the journal is on theoretically informed critical analyses within the social sciences and humanities of the wide range of topics that constitute leisure as a subject field – including the arts, tourism, cultural, informal and virtual activities, urban and rural recreation, sport, media and physical activities.

    Läsvärd antologi som håller mer än titeln lovar

    Jonny Hjelm har läst antologin Women, Soccer and Transnational Migration (Routledge), sammanställd av Sine Agergaard och Nina Clara Tiesler. Hans kunniga och kritiska recension påvisar förvisso smärre brister, men totalt sett är detta en bok som innehåller mycket och viktig information på ett ganska blygsamt omfång.
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