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    Postdoc i frivillighed og civilsamfund till Syddansk Universitet, Odense | Ansök senast den 26 maj 2024

    Kandidaten vil primært indgå i projekter omhandlende frivillighed i foreninger og de roller, foreninger kan spille for medlemmer og det lokale samfund (f.eks. demokratisk funktion, integration og livskvalitet). En primær opgave vil være at bidrage til design af og være ansvarlig for dataindsamling, der omfatter både kvantitative og kvalitative metoder. Kandidaten vil også skulle bidrage til dataanalyse og formidling – både til forskning og praksis (f.eks. rapporter, artikler og præsentationer).

    Call for Participation | ”Sådan skaber vi et Danmark i Bevægelse!” | Brugerkonference den 10. november, 9.30–16.30, på Syddansk Universitet, Odense

    Undersøgelsen Danmark i Bevægelse, er med 163.000 besvarelser den hidtil største måling af danskernes bevægelsesvaner, som afdækker og kobler motiver og muligheder for fysisk aktivitet og idræt i den danske befolkning. Dette er suppleret med knap 50 interviews om bevægelsesvaner og motiver for at være fysisk aktiv samt en registrering af knap 1500 borgeres daglige bevægelsesaktivitet i løbet af en uge.

    Sport Scholar Profile | Susanne Ravn, University of Southern Denmark

    Susanne Ravn is an Associate professor and Head of ‘Movement, Culture and Society’, a research unit at the University of Southern Denmark. In her research, she focuses on phenomenological approaches to skilled movement in dance practice. She is the author of several books in Danish and English and has published her research in journals focusing on phenomenology, qualitative research methods in sport, exercise and health, dance research and sociological analysis of embodied experiences.

    Vacancy | Associate or assistant professor in human computer interaction, play, movement, and learning | University of Southern Denmark. Apply by March 22, 2020

    We expect the applicant to participate in the further development of the department’s research in computer-human interaction (HCI and CHI-play) related to play, sports and health. The digital design related to human movement, play, sport, and health is perceived as an interdisciplinary field closely connected with design-related, aesthetic, and technological methods.

    Vacancy | Assistant professor or associate professor of dance | University of Southern Denmark. Application deadline: March 15, 2020

    The position includes teaching and supervising student projects in the programs offered, with a focus on both undergraduate and Master programs. The successful applicant will be responsible for one or two of these programs. Accordingly, a strong teaching portfolio in different dance practices, including for example community dance, Laban, creative dance activities and social dance forms, will be valued.

    Associate professor within the humanities and social sciences to University of Southern Denmark. Apply before January 15, 2020

    Research activities expand within the fields of humanities and social science research. Movement is at the heart of the unit's work involving experiential, bodily, emotional, cultural and social aspects of movement. Thus, the unit’s research ranges from phenomenological and cultural analyses of movement practices of, i.a., parkour, yoga, community dance and improvisational practices, to analyses of different sub-cultures of physical activity and their organization.

    Professor with specific responsibilities in research in Movement practices and phenomenology to University of Southern Denmark. Apply before January 31, 2020

    The Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics has a strong background in sports science and movement studies. The successful applicant will be expected to take on the responsibility of being the head of MoCS and to develop and lead research projects for and within the research unit. More specifically, the professor will have specific responsibilities in further strengthening research on movement practices – including different forms of dance practices.

    Fodboldspillet sættes under lup i nyt videnssamarbejde

    Playmakeren har en unik evne til at sætte spillet i system og sine medspillere i scene. PLAYMAKER er derfor også blevet navnet på en ny platform hvor Dansk Boldspil-Union (DBU) og Divisionsforeningen er gået sammen med Syddansk Universitet og fodboldmediet Mediano om at gøre den seneste forskning, metoder og data mere tilgængelig for trænere og andre med en position i hovedsagligt herreelitemiljøet.

    Sport Scholar Profile | Signe Højbjerre Larsen, University of Southern Denmark

    Signe Højbjerre Larsen is a Teaching Associate Professor (Ph.D.) in the Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics at the University of Southern Denmark. Signe is a parkour athlete, and her research focuses on parkour, as well as self-organized movement cultures, cultural theory, sociology and philosophy of sport.

    Invitation til forelæsning om ’leg og filosofi’ med Henning Eichberg

    Center for forskning i Idræt, Sundhed og Civilsamfund på Institut for Idræt og Biomekanik på Syd- dansk Universitet inviterer til en forelæsning om ’legens filosofi’ i anledning af Professor Emeritus Henning Eichbergs seneste bog Questioning play: What play can tell us about social life