Tag: Sebastian Harenberg
Journal of Athlete Development and Experience, Volume 4, 2022, Issue 1 | NCAA Division III College Athlete Development and Experience
JADE was founded to publish and promote research that focuses on people over profits. Editor’s pick from the current issue: The The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Is Same-Gender Mentorship Important for Division III Female College Athletes?: An Application of the Mentor Role Theory by Nicholas Swim, Ehren R. Green, Mary A. Hums, Glenna G. Bower, and Khirey B. Walker.
Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, Volume 33, 2021, Issue 3
The Journal of Applied Sport Psychology is a refereed journal designed to advance thought, theory, and research on applied aspects of sport and exercise psychology. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: The Psychometric Properties of the Multicomponent Mental Health Literacy Measure with a Sample of Student Athletes and Student Athletic Therapists by Philip Sullivan, Jessica Murphy & Mishka Blacker.
Psychology of Sport and Exercise, Vol. 49, July 2020
Psychology of Sport and Exercise is an international forum for scholarly reports in the psychology of sport and exercise, broadly defined. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: THE REBALANCING ACT: INJURED VARSITY WOMEN ATHLETES’ EXPERIENCES OF GLOBAL AND SPORT PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING by Lisa R. Trainor, Peter R.E. Crocker, Andrea Bundon, Leah Ferguson.
The Sport Psychologist, Volume 33, 2019, Issue 3
The Sport Psychologist (TSP) is a scholarly refereed journal designed as a forum to stimulate thought and disseminate knowledge that focuses on the application and practice of sport psychology. TSP is published for sport psychology specialists who engage in research, teaching, and/or intervention in a variety of contexts including academic, public, and private settings. The journal is also intended for practitioners such as coaches who have training and interest in sport psychology.
Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, Volume 30, 2018, Issue 2
The Journal of Applied Sport Psychology is a refereed journal designed to advance thought, theory, and research on applied aspects of sport and exercise psychology. Submissions such as position papers, reviews, theoretical developments specific to sport and/or exercise and applied research conducted in these settings are appropriate content for the JASP.