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    The formation of heroes and the myth of national identity | A Summary

    In this feature article, Keith Parry at the Department in Sport and Event Management, Bournemouth University, summarizes his article in Sport in Society, in which he discusses sports hero formation in relation to national identity. He argues that the formation of sports heroes is shaped by established notions of national identity and longstanding mythological archetypes rather than proclaimed heroes’ personal traits or deeds.

    Perspectives on the integration of students with disabilities in physical education: An umbrella review of reviews published between 2010 and 2020 | A summary

    In this feature article, Andreas Fröberg summarizes his article in European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity, in which he presents the results of a comprehensive review of reviews of research on the integration of students with disabilities in physical education, including the views of students with and without disabilities as well as physical education teachers. They all have mixed experiences from and ambiguous attitudes towards the integration efforts.

    Gender in eSports Research: A Literature Review | A Summary

    In this feature article, Egil Trasti Rogstad summarizes his article in European Journal for Sport and Society, in which he presents a traditional narrative review of how the theoretical concept of hegemonic masculinity is used to understand gendered power inequalities in eSports in the research literature. The review reveals issues of male domination as well as online harassment and negotiations of gendered expectations, suggesting that eSports and traditional sports discursively link masculinity, athleticism, and competition very similarly.

    The concept of “friluftsliv literacy” in relation to physical literacy in physical education pedagogies | A summary

    In this feature article, Idar Lyngstad & Eivind Sæther summarize their article in Sport, Education and Society, in which they explain the need for, and outline the theoretical foundations and basic aspects of, a new concept, ’friluftsliv literacy’, and its relationship to physical education and physical literacy. The idea is that friluftsliv (a.k.a. outdoor education) broadens the understanding of physical literacy in physical education pedagogies by including a friluftsliv and nature perspective.

    Alternative forklaringer på sosioøkonomisk ulikhet i ungdomsidretten | Et sammendrag

    I den här featureartikeln sammanfattar Mads Skauge och Arve Hjelseth sitt kapitel i Idrett, kjønn og ledelse: Festskrift til Jorid Hovden (Anne Tjønndal, red.), i vilken de appliceraren en uppsättning teoretiska verktyg för att problematisera de tydliga skillnaderna i idrottsdeltagande. De diskuterar hur förtrolighet med idrottens konkurrenslogik och idrottsligt föräldraengagemang kan bidra till den socioekonomiska ojämlikheten i ungdomsidrott.

    Alternative Explanations for Socioeconomic Inequality in Youth Sports | A Summary

    In this feature article, Mads Skauge and Arve Hjelseth summarize their chapter in Idrett, kjønn og ledelse: Festskrift til Jorid Hovden [Sport, gender and leadership: Festschrift in honor of Jorid Hovden] (Anne Tjønndal, ed.) in which they apply a set of theoretical concepts to discuss how familiarity with sport’s competitive logic and sports parental involvement can contribute to the socioeconomic inequality in youth sports.

    The Black Swan of elite football: The case of Iceland | A summary

    In this feature article, Vi∂ar Halldorsson summarizes his article in Soccer & Society, in which he argues that Iceland can be identified as ‘a Black Swan’ in modern elite sports because it has produced extraordinary results against prestigious football nations. Iceland’s recent success is produced by a ‘none-elite’ sport system, which is built on different ideologies than is customary in the conventional youth sport academies of most nations.

    ‘A strong woman’s troubles’: Victorina and the strong woman in Victorian Britain | A summary

    In this feature article, Conor Heffernan summarizes his recent article in Women’s History Review, in which he presents his research into strongwomen history and specifically the story of German-born Julia Veidlere, better known as Victorina, famed strongwoman in late nineteenth century Britain. While telling her story, Heffernan also touches upon aspects of her career such as brand management and having to assert her femininity, against a backdrop of music hall entertainment, immensely popular in those days.

    The Sporting Bubble as Gilded Cage: Gendered Professional Sport in Pandemic Times and Beyond | A Summary

    In this feature article, Adele Pavlidis and David Rowe summarize their recent article in M/C Journal, in which they take their point of departure in the concept of the bubble to explore the situation for elite athletes following the constraints put upon sports by the Covid-19 pandemic and related measures. The find that the gender and class inequalities present in sports were increased by the pandemic but obscured by the sporting bubbles that kept professional sports performers isolated from the virus as well as from the public eye.

    Being a Group Fitness Instructor during the COVID-19 Crisis: Navigating Professional Identity, Social Distancing, and Community | A Summary

    In this feature article, Karin Andersson snd Jesper Andreasson summarize their recent article in Social Sciences, in which they explore how the COVID-19 pandemic and related measures, such as social distancing affect the everyday lives and professions of Les Mills International (LMI) group fitness instructors. According to the participants, online classes as a means of upholding group fitness in times of social distancing is an insufficient substitute to face-to-face instructing.