Tag: Romain Roult
Loisir et Société / Society and Leisure, Volume 46, 2023, Issue 1
Leisure / Loisir strives to publish a diverse collection of scholarly papers in all areas of leisure, recreation, arts, parks, sport, and travel and tourism. Reflecting the multi- and interdisciplinary nature of these areas of study. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: The impact of Nordic walking compared to non-sporting activities on socialization and well-being by Ivan Raça, Fabrice Dosseville & Olivier Sirost.
Loisir et Société / Society and Leisure, Volume 45, 2022, Issue 3 | Digital uses in the practice of sports and the encouragement of physical activity: From the promises...
Leisure / Loisir strives to publish a diverse collection of scholarly papers in all areas of leisure, recreation, arts, parks, sport, and travel and tourism. Reflecting the multi- and interdisciplinary nature of these areas of study. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Factors influencing commitment to maintaining long-term exercise in adults over the age of 50 by Aida Stratas, George Karlis, François Gravelle & Martine Lagacé.
International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure, Vol. 5, 2022, Issue 2
This journal publishes high-quality papers on the sociology of leisure that have a global interest, promote the development of this mature field within international sociology, and go beyond the traditional geographical areas of leisure studies. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Exploring Roller Derby Skaters’ Progression Into the Sport by Guangzhou Chen, Andrew J. Kerins, Toni Liechty.
Leisure/Loisir, Volume 45, 2021, Issue 3
Leisure / Loisir strives to publish a diverse collection of scholarly papers in all areas of leisure, recreation, arts, parks, sport, and travel and tourism. Reflecting the multi- and interdisciplinary nature of these areas of study. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: La standardisation de la motricité dans les sports de nature et ses questions sous-jacentes: un répertoire en commun? by Jean-Baptiste Duez & Antoine Marsac.
Leisure/Loisir, Volume 45, 2021, Issue 1
Leisure / Loisir strives to publish a diverse collection of scholarly papers in all areas of leisure, recreation, arts, parks, sport, and travel and tourism. Reflecting the multi- and interdisciplinary nature of these areas of study. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: STRIVING FOR NEWCOMER INCLUSION: A CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF CANADIAN INTRO TO SPORT PROGRAMMES by Simon Barrick, William Bridel & Joan Bard Miller.
Loisir et Société / Society and Leisure, Volume 43, 2020, Issue 3 | The future of leisure as defined by the new leisure doctorate (Ph.D.)
Loisir et Société / Society & Leisure is a bilingual, multidisciplinary and thematic journal that publishes on leisure and free time with their relation to cultural, economic and social dimensions of individuals and communities. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: ITINÉRAIRE POLITIQUE D’UNE ÉPOPÉE SPORTIVE: LES VERTS DE 1976 by Pascal Charroin & Guillaume Vincent.
International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure, Vol. 3, 2020, Issue 4
IJSL publishes high-quality papers on the sociology of leisure that have a global interest, and promote the development of this mature field. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: RE-IMAGINING ‘EVENT MANAGEMENT’: ON GOVERNMENTALITY AND ITS ‘AFTERLIFE’ by Tony Blackshaw, Willem Coetzee.
Loisir et Société / Society and Leisure, Volume 43, 2020, Issue 2
Loisir et Société / Society & Leisure is a bilingual, multidisciplinary and thematic journal that publishes on leisure and free time with their relation to cultural, economic and social dimensions of individuals and communities. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: LA GRAND-MESSE CAN 2002 : ENJEUX ÉCONOMIQUES, POLITIQUES ET SANITAIRES D’UNE COMPÉTITION DE FOOTBALL by Yaya Koné.
Loisir et Société / Society and Leisure, Volume 43, 2020, Issue 1
Loisir et Société / Society & Leisure is a bilingual, multidisciplinary and thematic journal that publishes on leisure and free time with their relation to cultural, economic and social dimensions of individuals and communities. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: NEW RETIREES’ NEEDS WITH REGARD TO LEISURE EDUCATION by Hélène Carbonneau, Julie Fortier & Camille Joanisse.
Loisir et Société / Society and Leisure, Volume 42, 2019, Issue 3
Loisir et Société / Society & Leisure is a bilingual, multidisciplinary and thematic journal that publishes on leisure and free time with their relation to cultural, economic and social dimensions of individuals and communities. These dimensions include family, the environment, communication, culture, governance, economy, public service, etc.