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    Tag: physiology journals

    International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, Volume 16, 2021, No. 11

    IJSPP focuses on sport physiology and performance and is dedicated to advancing the knowledge of sport and exercise physiologists and other sport scientists. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: The Effectiveness of a 30-Week Concurrent Strength and Endurance Training Program in Preparation for an Ultra-Endurance Handcycling Challenge: A Case Study by Jonpaul Nevin, Paul Smith.

    International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, Volume 16, 2021, No. 10

    IJSPP focuses on sport physiology and performance and is dedicated to advancing the knowledge of sport and exercise physiologists and other sport scientists. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Effects of Caffeine on Performance During High- and Long-Jump Competitions by Ana C. Santos-Mariano, Fabiano Tomazini, Cintia Rodacki, Romulo Bertuzzi, Fernando De-Oliveira, Adriano E. Lima-Silva.

    International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, Volume 16, 2021, No. 9

    IJSPP focuses on sport physiology and performance and is dedicated to advancing the knowledge of sport and exercise physiologists and other sport scientists. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Criterion Validity of a Field-Based Assessment of Aerobic Capacity in Wheelchair Rugby Athletes by Vicky L. Goosey-Tolfrey, Sonja de Groot, Keith Tolfrey, Tom A.W. Paulson.

    Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, Vol. 92, 2021, Issue 3

    RQES publishes research in the art and science of human movement that contributes significantly to the knowledge base of the field. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Time Constraint Increases Mental Load and Influences in the Performance in Small-Sided Games in Basketball by Pablo Camacho, Diego A. Cruz, Iker Madinabeitia, Francisco J. Giménez & David Cárdenas.

    International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, Volume 16, 2021, No. 8

    IJSPP focuses on sport physiology and performance and is dedicated to advancing the knowledge of sport and exercise physiologists and other sport scientists. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Reduced Endurance Capacity and Suboptimal Energy Availability in Top-Level Female Cyclists by Gabriel Barreto, Luana Farias de Oliveira, Tiemi Saito, Rafael Klosterhoff, Pedro Perim, Eimear Dolan, Rosa Maria R. Pereira, Patrícia Campos-Ferraz, Fernanda R. Lima, Bryan Saunders.

    International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, Volume 16, 2021, No. 7

    IJSPP focuses on sport physiology and performance and is dedicated to advancing the knowledge of sport and exercise physiologists and other sport scientists. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Menthol Mouth Rinsing and Cycling Performance in Females Under Heat Stress by Erica H. Gavel, Heather M. Logan-Sprenger, Joshua Good, Ira Jacobs, Scott G. Thomas.

    International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, Volume 16, 2021, No. 6

    IJSPP focuses on sport physiology and performance and is dedicated to advancing the knowledge of sport and exercise physiologists and other sport scientists. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: An Evaluation of Training Load Measures for Drills in Women’s Collegiate Lacrosse by Jennifer A. Bunn, Bradley J. Myers, Mary K. Reagor.

    Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, Vol. 92, 2021, Issue 2 | Evidence of Essential Components of Physical Education

    RQES publishes research in the art and science of human movement that contributes significantly to the knowledge base of the field. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Appropriate Instructional Practice in Physical Education: A Systematic Review of Literature From 2000 to 2020 by Danielle Nesbitt, Jenna Fisher & David F. Stodden.

    International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, Volume 16, 2021, No. 5

    IJSPP focuses on sport physiology and performance and is dedicated to advancing the knowledge of sport and exercise physiologists and other sport scientists. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Strength Training Improves Exercise Economy in Triathletes During a Simulated Triathlon by Kate M. Luckin-Baldwin, Claire E. Badenhorst, Ashley J. Cripps, Grant J. Landers, Robert J. Merrells, Max K. Bulsara, Gerard F. Hoyne.

    International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, Volume 16, 2021, No. 4

    IJSPP focuses on sport physiology and performance and is dedicated to advancing the knowledge of sport and exercise physiologists and other sport scientists. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Preseason Training Improves Perception of Fatigue and Recovery From a Futsal Training Session by Carolina Franco Wilke, Samuel P. Wanner, Eduardo M. Penna, André Maia-Lima, Weslley H.M. Santos, Flávia C. Müller-Ribeiro, Thiago T. Mendes, Rubio S. Bruzzi, Guilherme P. Ramos, Fábio Y. Nakamura, Rob Duffield.
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