Tag: Peter Millward
Leisure Studies, Volume 42, 2023, Issue 1 | Lockdown Leisure
The emphasis of Leisure Studies is on theoretically informed critical analyses within the social sciences and humanities of the topics that constitute leisure as a subject field – including the arts, tourism, sport and more. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: CrossFit during lockdown. The promises and pitfalls of digitally mediated training for leisure-time physical activity by Verena Lenneis, Jeppe Klarskov Hansen & Sine Agergaard.
Journal of Sport & Social Issues, Vol. 44, 2020, No. 1
Journal of Sport and Social Issues (JSSI) brings you the latest research, discussion and analysis on contemporary sport issues. In JSSI scholars study the impact of sport on social issues from many perspectives, including Sociology, History, Economics, Media Studies, Gender Studies, Psychology, Political Science, Cultural Studies, Anthropology and Ethnic Studies.
Soccer & Society, Volume 20, 2019, Issue 5: The impact of international football events on local, national and transnational fan cultures
Soccer and Society is an international peer-reviewed journal and the first international journal devoted to the world’s most popular game. It covers all aspects of soccer globally from anthropological, cultural, economic, historical, political and sociological perspectives. Soccer and Society encourages and favours clearly written research, analysis and comment.
Theoretically grounded football study with good empirical case studies
Four leading British football scholars, Jamie Cleland, Mark Doidge, Peter Millward and Paul Widdop, have authored a monograph, Collective Action and Football Fandom: A Relational Sociological Approach (Palgrave). Our reviewer is Arve Hjelseth, and his review was originally published in Norwegian October 24, 2018. It has been translated into English by Jeremy Crump.
Teoretisk forankret fotballstudie med fine empiriske case
Fyra ledande fotbollssociologer, Jamie Cleland, Mark Doidge, Peter Millward och Paul Widdop, ligger bakom monografin Collective Action and Football Fandom: A Relational Sociological Approach (Palgrave). Vår recensent är Arve Hjelseth, som visserligen kan se en poäng med relationer sociologi, men själv föredrar de sociologiska teorier som ryms i beteckningen var för sig. Bra bok, i alla händeler.
International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, Volume 10, 2018, Issue 1: Austerity
The International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics aims to publish articles that address all aspects of sport policy irrespective of academic discipline. Articles that adopt a multi-disciplinary, inter-disciplinary or comparative approach are particularly welcome.
Introductory reader on sport and politics that has much to recommend it
Capitalism and Sport: Politics, Protest, People and Play by Michael Lavalette (ed.) examines the relationship between capitalism and sport by exploring the tensions that exist within sport from two distinct perspectives: the politics of sport and the politics in sport. Russell Holden’s review highlights the good points as well as the drawbacks.
Lysande och upplysande bok om fotbollens globala nutid och framtid
Fotbollssociologen Peter Millwards senaste bok, The Global Football League: Transnational Networks, Social Movements and Sport in the New Media Age recenseras utförligt och entusiastiskt av David Holt Olsen.