Tag: Pamm Phillips
Important handbook that takes a broad approach to its subject without losing analytical depth
With sport sustaining a prominent place in international development policymaking, discourse and delivery, the collected volume Handbook of Sport and International Development (Edward Elgar) investigates the role that different sport initiatives – from community-focused projects to large-scale events – can play across a great variety of development contexts. Our reviewers Derrick Charway and Umair Asif are appreciative of the comprehensive approach and they find the critical stance vital to combat the narratives about the “inherent purity and goodness of sport” (Coakley).
New academic research closing in on the ref
Managing and Developing Sports Officials: Officiating Excellence, edited by Tom Webb, David J. Hancock, Pamm Phillips & Jacob K. Tingle (Routledge), offers an evidence-based guide to the development, management, and retention of sports officials. Our reviewer is Stuart Carrington, whose 2019 book Blowing the Whistle: The Psychology of Football Refereeing places him well for the job. And he is quite satisfied with this crucial contribution to the literature around sports officials that more than meets its aim.
Successful attempt to develop understanding of the various aspects of sport development
Managing Sport Development: An International Approach, edited by Emma Sherry, Nico Schulenkorf, Pamm Phillips & Katie Rowe (Routledge) is an introduction to sport development, covering key concepts and theory as well as best practice in the management, implementation, and evaluation of sport development programs. Our reviewers, Derrick Charway and Josephine Traberg, give full marks albeit some reservations regarding the semantics involved in separating sport through, from sport for, development.
International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, Vol. 22, 2022, No. 5–6
The International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing (IJSMM), a refereed journal published four times per year, aims to present current practice and research in the area of sport management and marketing. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Internationalisation and martial arts: the case of Carlson Gracie's Brazilian jiu-jitsu gym by Heloisa Alexander Fonseca Soares, Renato Dourado Cotta de Mello, Clarice Secches Kogut.
Rik och lärorik bok i ett viktigt och komplext ämne
Idrott är ett självändamål, men också mer än så; nyttiggörande av idrott bortom sporten självt är på många håll en explicit förväntan. Sådana aspekter av idrott behandlas i antologin Managing Sport Development: An international approach av Emma Sherry, Nico Schulenkorf och Pamm Phillips (Routledge). Anders Östnäs recenserar förtjänstfullt.