Tag: Mike McNamee
Journal of Global Sport Management, Volume 4, 2019, issue 1
The Journal of Global Sport Management (JGSM) aims to be the global platform for focused, rigorous, and interdisciplinary research that has originality, depth, and clarity of insights into significant issues and developments of interest to sport management. Its main objectives: to advance research; to enhance practice; and to facilitate good policy-making decisions.
Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, Volume 12, 2018, Issue 4: The Gratuitous logic of sport: essays in honour of Bill Morgan
Sport, Ethics and Philosophy publishes high quality articles from a wide variety of philosophical traditions, and is particularly open to essays of applied philosophy that engage with issues or practice, policy and scholarship concerning the nature and values of sports.
Useful for almost anyone interested in sports, but primarily as introductions
Pam Sailors finds a useful metaphor in the Swiss army knife when reviewing Ethics and Governance in Sport: The future of sport imagined, edited by Yves Vanden Auweele, Elaine Cook & Jim Parry (Routledge) – both are brilliantly designed, with many small and useful implements/chapters, but one requires sturdier stuff in order to construct big houses or conceive and conduct in-depth studies of sports.
The Sum Less Than the Parts
The title of the anthology The Ethics of Sport: Essential Readings, edited by Arthur L. Caplan & Brendan Parent (Oxford University Press), is essentially a misnomer, according to our reviewer, Shawn Klein. The collected journal articles deal only occasionally with ethics, and the book’s purpose and audience is basically unclear. Some contributions, though, are worthy of the title.
Sport, Education and Society, Volume 22, 2017, Issue 8
Sport, Education and Society encourages contributions from social scientists and educationalists studying the relationships between pedagogy, ‘the body’ and society as well as from all professionals with theoretical and empirical interests relating to policy, curriculum, social inclusion, equity and identity, and progressive educational development in physical activity, health and sport.
Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, Volume 11, 2017, Issue 3
Sport, Ethics and Philosophy publishes high quality articles from a wide variety of philosophical traditions, and is particularly open to essays of applied philosophy that engage with issues or practice, policy and scholarship concerning the nature and values of sports.
Uneven book on doping and public health
Conferences more often than not end up as anthologies or special journal issues. And indeed, Doping and Public Health, edited by Nader Ahmadi, Arne Ljungqvist & Göran Svedsäter (Routledge) is a conference report, and according to our reviewer Ask Vest Christiansen nor an altogether necessary addition to the already extensive body of literature on doping.
Etik och idrott: svårt, mångfacetterat och viktigt
Mike McNamee är en synnerligen flitig forskare på det idrottsfilosofiska/-etiska fältet, med en mångfald publikationer och uppmärksammade redaktörskap. Hans Sport, Medicine, Ethics (Routledge) kom till oss sent, men nu kan vi presentera en recension av boken av Åke Andrén-Sandberg, som oaktat viss kritik kan definiera en passande läsekrets.
Två antologier om dopning och anti-dopningsarbete – från tidskriftsnummer till böcker
Björn Sandahl har läst två Routledge-antologier, A Global History of Doping in Sport: Drugs, Policy, and Politics av John Gleaves & Thomas M. Hunt (red) och Anti-doping: Policy and Governance av Barrie Houlihan & Mike McNamee (red). En del bra bidrag, tycker vår recensent, men varför har dessa två gamla tidskriftsnummer publicerats som böcker, rakt av?
OS-antologi som väl speglar spelens sammansatta natur
Temanumret av Sport, Ethics and Philosophy som utkom inför OS i London 2012 finns nu som antologi, Olympic Ethics and Philosophy av redaktörerna Mike McNamee & Jim Parry (Routledge). Kutte Jönsson gläds åt bokutgivningen; värdet av de ingående texterna överskrider ett enskilt OS.