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    Tag: Kathryn Henne

    Game Changers: Paving way for a critical criminology of sport

    Derek Silva & Liam Kennedy’s edited collection Power Played: A Critical Criminology of Sport (UBC Press) convincingly argues that modern sport can be characterized by unequal and problematic power relations that are inextricably linked to issues of violence, harm, deviance, and punishment. We asked Tony B. Mickelsson for a review, and he delivered a thorough and insightful presentation and evaluation of an impressive endeavor worth reading, with many strengths and only (very) minor weaknesses.

    Two thought-provoking accounts of the concussion crisis in sport

    Tobias Stark reviews two books on concussions in sport, The Concussion Crisis in Sport, by Dominic Malcolm, and Sociocultural Examinations of Sports Concussions, by Matt Ventresca & Mary G. McDonald (eds.), both published by Routledge. Our reviewer is firmly convinced that both books are vital – maybe even life-saving – contributions to the rapidly growing academic literature on sport and health issues related to the concussion crisis

    Sociology of Sport Journal, Volume 35, 2018, Issue 3: Sport, Feminism and the Global South

    The purpose of the Sociology of Sport Journal is to stimulate and communicate research, critical thought, and theory development on issues pertaining to the sociology of sport. The journal publishes peer-reviewed empirical, theoretical, and position papers; book reviews; and critical essays.

    Två antologier om dopning och anti-dopningsarbete – från tidskriftsnummer till böcker

    Björn Sandahl har läst två Routledge-antologier, A Global History of Doping in Sport: Drugs, Policy, and Politics av John Gleaves & Thomas M. Hunt (red) och Anti-doping: Policy and Governance av Barrie Houlihan & Mike McNamee (red). En del bra bidrag, tycker vår recensent, men varför har dessa två gamla tidskriftsnummer publicerats som böcker, rakt av?

    Två aktuella böcker problematiserar den moraliska kampen mot dopning inom idrotten

    Anna Efverström har läst två aktuella böcker om dopning, The War on Drugs in Sport: Moral Panics and Organizational Legitimacy av Vanessa McDermott (Routledge) och Testing for Athlete Citizenship: Regulating Doping and Sex in Sport av Kathryn E. Henne (Rutgers University Press). Läs hennes lärorika och kritiska recension!
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