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    Convincing collection, furthering the field of sociological esports studies

    Bringing together leading esports experts from Europe, North America, and Australia, Anne Tjønndal’s edited collection Social Issues in Esports (Routledge) provides new sociological analyses that define and locate esports in social studies. Kalle Jonasson, who wrote about esports on already back in 2005, is highly appreciative of Tjønndal’s book, notwithstanding the fact that he would have liked to see a bit more of conceptual and philosophical thinking around the social issues surrounding esports.

    Discursive struggles in the gendering of national team pay in Norwegian football

    In 2017, the Norwegian Football Federation (NFF) decided to offer the men’s and the women’s national teams an equal share of the revenue from the federation’s sponsorship deals. This was regarded as a groundbreaking event in the history of women’s football. This peer review article by Arve Hjelseth and Jorid Hovden examines the process that led to this result by exploring the discourses of gender justice negotiated in the process.

    A sport sociology research handbook with a unique selling point

    Research Handbook on Sport and Society, edited by Elizabeth C.J. Pike (Edward Elgar), aims to provide a critical examination of the complex issues surrounding sports in contemporary societies. Our reviewer of this collection of contributions from leading sociology of sport scholars, is Alan Bairner. Although uneven, he commends the collection for its quality contributors and the editor for the clever approach of having them all describe their personal journeys into the realm of social scientific study of sport.

    Är det en mans värld? Om genus, ledarskap och organiserad idrott

    För att uppmärksamma och hylla Jorid Hovdens drygt trettioåriga forskargärning har ett stort antal ledande norska idrottsforskare under Anne Tjønndals ledning tillsammans fyllt en voluminös festskrift, Idrett, kjønn og ledelse: Festskrift til Jorid Hovden (Fagbokforlaget) med 18 innehållsrika kapitel. Leah Monsees hyllar i sin tur Anne Tjønndals redaktörsgärning, och hon finner mycket i de olika bidragen att ta lärdom av för sitt eget pågående avhandlingsprojekt.

    Sport in Society, Volume 22, 2019, Issue 4: Sport and Outdoor Life in the Nordic World

    The considerable growth of interest in commerce, media and politics and their relationship to sport in international academia has resulted in academics in various disciplines writing about sport. Sport in Society is a multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary forum for academics to discuss the growing relationship of sport to significant areas of modern life.

    International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Vol. 54, 2019, No. 2

    The International Review for the Sociology of Sport is a peer reviewed academic journal. Its main purpose is to disseminate research and scholarship on sport throughout the international academic community. The journal publishes research articles of varying lengths, from standard length research papers to shorter reports and commentary, as well as book and media reviews.

    Sport Scholar Profile | Jorid Hovden, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

    Jorid Hovden is a Norwegian researcher and professor of sociology at NTNU. She has studied gender and sports since the 1980s. She has repeatedly demonstrated how women are discriminated against and marginalized, both in key roles and in different sports. has been an active athlete, and was inter alia on the Norwegian national team in volleyball in the 1970s.

    Carlos and Smith and the Mexico City Olympics 50 years on – the struggle continues

    Fifty years ago, John Carlos and Tommie Smith changed the course of sport history by demonstrating the political nature of sports. Harry Edwards looks back and forward in this anniversary edition of his classic study The Revolt of the Black Athlete (University of Illinois Press). Jorid Hovden remembers 1968 well and appreciates the reissue, but makes some critical points as well.

    Useful for almost anyone interested in sports, but primarily as introductions

    Pam Sailors finds a useful metaphor in the Swiss army knife when reviewing Ethics and Governance in Sport: The future of sport imagined, edited by Yves Vanden Auweele, Elaine Cook & Jim Parry (Routledge) – both are brilliantly designed, with many small and useful implements/chapters, but one requires sturdier stuff in order to construct big houses or conceive and conduct in-depth studies of sports.

    Where are the kids? They are in Scandinavia!

    Tre professorer inom norsk idrottsforskning, Ørnulf Seippel, Mari Kristin Sisjord och Åse Strandbu, står bakom den omfångsrika antologin Ungdom og idrett (Cappelen Damm Akademisk). Vi bad en svensk forskare med ett brinnande intresse för barn- och ungdomsidrott, Karin Redelius, att recensera boken, och vi fick en bred och kunnig översikt av en uppenbart bra och viktig bok.