Sport Scholar Profile | Jorid Hovden, Norwegian University of Science and Technology



  • Professor


  • Department of Sociology and Political Science
    Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
    N-7491 Trondheim, Norway
  • E-mail

Research interests

  • Social inequalities in sport (e.g. social class, gender and ethnicity)
  • The gendering of sport leadership and sport governance
  • Sports media and gender

Selected publications

Elling, A., Hovden, J. & Knoppers, A. (2018, eds.) Gender Diversity in European Sport Governance. London: Routledge.
Hovden, J. & Lippe, G.v.d. (2017). The Gendering of Media Sport in the Nordic countries. Sport in Society, Cultures, Commerse, Media, Politics DOI: 10.1080/17430437.2017.1389040.
Hovden, J. & Tjønndal, A. (2017). The gendering of coaching from an athlete perspective: The case of Norwegian boxing. The International Review for the Sociology of Sport, First published June 27.
Hovden, J. & Rafoss, K. (2017). Sociology of Sport: Norway, Sweden and Denmark. In Young, K (ed.) Sociology of Sport: A Global Sub discipline in Review. New York: Emerald Books.
Tjønndal, A. & Hovden, J. (2016). Kjønn som sparringspartner. Ledelsesformer og betydninger av kjønn blant norske boksetrenere. Tidsskrift for Kjønnsforskning, vol. 40,
(3-4), p:186-203.
Hovden, J. (2016).When women take the lead. In Diketmüller , R. (ed.) Inspirational women in Europe: making a difference in physical education, sport and dance. Bairro Martelos: IAPESGW Continent Serie./Juiz de Fora, NGIME/UFJF.
Hovden, J. (2016). Når kvinner gjør en forskjell. Et portrett av en nestor i nord-norsk idrett: Olga Olaussen. In Pedersen, H. og Skille, E. (red.): Utafor sporet? Idrett, identiteter og regionalisme i nord. Vallset: Oplandske Bokforlag.
Bakke, I.M., Solheim, L. og Hovden, J (2016). «Skulle ønske jeg kunne være med på turn, jeg». Om fattige foreldres utfordringer med å legge til rette for fysisk aktivitet for barna sine. I Seippel, Ø., Sisjord, M.K. og Strandbu, Å (red.) Ungdom og idrett. Oslo: Cappelen Damm.
Hovden, J (2016). The ‘Fast Track’ as a Future Strategy for Achieving Gender Equality and Democracy in Sport Organizations. In Auweele, Y (ed), Ethics and Governance in Sport: The Future in Sport Imagined‘. London: Routledge.


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