Tag: Johan Lindholm
The Court of Arbitration for Sport under intellectual and efficacious scrutiny
Johan Lindholm’s rigorous study of CAS, The Court of Arbitration for Sport and Its Jurisprudence: An Empirical Inquiry into Lex Sportiva (TMC Asser Press) builds on empirical data and network analysis. Jack Anderson, leading sports law scholar and former arbitrator with CAS, finds much to agree on and commend in Lindholm’s study of what, in our reviewer’s words, boils down to an old Swiss boys’ club.
The International Sports Law Journal, Vol. 18, Issue 1–2
The International Sports Law Journal is the only truly “international” peer-reviewed sports law journal consistently offering broad content coverage, such as significant case law analysis, legal commentary and sports related information from sports law experts around the world. ISLJ is a valuable resource for practitioners, academics, sports officials, sports enthusiasts and anyone interested in or impacted by sports and the law.
The International Sports Law Journal, Vol. 17, Issue 3–4
The International Sports Law Journal is the only truly “international” peer-reviewed sports law journal consistently offering broad content coverage, such as significant case law analysis, legal commentary and sports related information from sports law experts around the world. ISLJ is a valuable resource for practitioners, academics, sports officials, sports enthusiasts and anyone interested in or impacted by sports and the law.
The International Sports Law Journal, Vol. 17, Issue 1–2
The International Sports Law Journal is the only truly “international” peer-reviewed sports law journal consistently offering broad content coverage, such as significant case law analysis, legal commentary and sports related information from sports law experts around the world. ISLJ is a valuable resource for practitioners, academics, sports officials, sports enthusiasts and anyone interested in or impacted by sports and the law.
The, one, or the one legacy of Bosman?
The Bosman judgment is considered from a number of angles in the anthology The Legacy of Bosman: Revisiting the Relationship between EU Law and Sport edited by Antoine Duval & Ben Van Rompuy (TMC Asser Press). Our reviewer Mikael Hansson finds valuable contributions as well as less so, and would perhaps have liked a slightly counterfactual approach as well.
Det första steget mot ett idrottsjuridiskt standardverk
Den första rättsvetenskapliga läroboken som fastslår gällande rätt vad idrottsjuridik anbelangar, Idrottsjuridik av Johan Lindholm, har landat på bokhandelsdiskarna. Vår uppskattande men likafullt kritiske recensent är Mikael Hansson.