Tag: Jingxian Jiang
Leisure Sciences, Volume 44, 2022, Issue 8
Leisure Sciences presents scientific inquiries into the study of leisure, recreation, parks, travel, and tourism from a social science perspective. Articles cover the social and psychological aspects of leisure, and more. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: In Situ Engagement During Structured Leisure Experiences: Conceptualization, Measurement, and Theory Testing by Gary D. Ellis, Jingxian Jiang, Patti A. Freeman, Andrew Lacanienta & Elizabeth J. Ellis.
Annals of Leisure Research, Volume 22, 2019, Issue 1
Annals of Leisure Research publishes refereed articles which promote the development of research and scholarship in leisure studies. Annals is aimed at an international readership and seeks theoretical or applied articles which cover any topic within the broad area of leisure studies.