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    Potential Postdoc Opportunity at DMU’s International Centre for Sports History and Culture

    Applicants must hold a doctoral degree with no more than seven years active full-time postdoctoral experience, or be in the final stage of their PhD provided that it will be completed (including viva) before the start date of the fellowship award (or have equivalent research experience). Additionally, applicants must be working outside the UK and not hold UK citizenship at the time of application. Applicants must have a clearly defined and mutually-beneficial research proposal agreed with a UK host researcher.

    Vacancies | Funded doctoral opportunities at the International Centre for Sports History and Culture, De Montfort University, UK

    De Montfort University's (DMU) International Centre for Sports History and Culture (ICSHC) is a world-leading centre for the study of all aspects of sports history. Our members specialise in a range of themes and approaches to the history of sport, and we have a dynamic body of doctoral students whose work covers chess, the outdoor movement, women’s football, folk dance, boxing, race and ethnicity in sport, emotional histories of sport, sports diplomacy, and much more.

    The Sports History & Culture Research Webinar series for the academic year 2021–22

    The International Centre for Sports History and Culture at De Montfort University, Leicester, UK presents the second series of Sports History and Culture Webinars in October 2021. We are delighted to announce the second year of our research webinars, which will bring together established and early career scholars and freelance experts from around the world for live research presentations which will be open to all.

    The Sports History & Culture Research Webinar series for the year 2020–21

    The International Centre for Sports History and Culture at De Montfort University, Leicester, UK launches its new series of Sports History and Culture Webinars in September 2020. We are delighted to announce the inaugural year of our research webinars, which will bring together established and early career scholars and freelance experts from around the world for live research presentations which will be open to all.

    Newsletter from International Centre for Sports History and Culture (ICSHC), De Montfort University ICSHC 2013 Research Report Each year the International Centre for Sports History and Culture (ICSHC) produces a research report. A copy of the new 2013 edition is now available to download via the ICSHC Annual Reports page at this link: Sport, Music and Identities Information is also available for the “Sport, Music and Identities” research seminar confirmed for 25thOctober at the below...
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