Tag: equestrian sports
Call for Papers: Galloping History: An International Symposium | April 16–19, 2014, Bilkent University. Ankara, Turkey
There would hardly be any exaggeration in assuming that horses have been one of the most important companions to humankind since the development of civilized societies. Horses and equine culture have played great many roles in almost all historical epochs. Thus, historical inquiry has encountered this phenomenon in a diverse spectrum of fields, including but not limited to military,...
Inbjudan till seminarium om hästforskning,den 23 maj på Strömsholm, kl. 13.00–16.00
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Forskarprofil | Susanna Hedenborg, Malmö universitet
Susanna Hedenborg is a Professor of Sports Science and an Associate Professor in Social and Economic History. Hedenborg has her academic background in economic history, but has examined sport from historical and contemporary perspectives. Particular focus has been placed on changes in children’ and youth sports as well as sports from a gender perspective. In Hedenborg’s research, equestrian sports have received special attention.
Sök anslag för hästforskning inför 2013!
I bifogad pdf från Stiftelsen Hästforskning finns uppgifter för att söka anslag för hästforskning inför 2013. Sista ansökningsdag är 1 oktober 2012. Sprid gärna denna information inom era respektive universitet och högskolor.
med vänlig hälsning
Carin Wrange, kommunikatör för Stiftelsen Hästforskning
Utlysning anslag SHF