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    International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, Volume 10, 2018, Issue 4: Theory and Methods

    The International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics aims to publish articles that address all aspects of sport policy irrespective of academic discipline. Articles that adopt a multi-disciplinary, inter-disciplinary or comparative approach are particularly welcome.

    International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Vol. 53, 2018, No. 7

    The International Review for the Sociology of Sport is a peer reviewed academic journal. Its main purpose is to disseminate research and scholarship on sport throughout the international academic community. The journal publishes research articles of varying lengths, from standard length research papers to shorter reports and commentary, as well as book and media reviews.

    International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, Volume 10, 2018, Issue 2

    The International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics aims to publish articles that address all aspects of sport policy irrespective of academic discipline. Articles that adopt a multi-disciplinary, inter-disciplinary or comparative approach are particularly welcome.

    Iceland in the world of élite sports – Viking heredity or modern-day smarts?

    Iceland’s sporting successes of late, including being the smallest nation to ever qualify for the FIFA World Cup, have prompted Vidar Halldorsson, an assistant professor in sociology at the University of Iceland, to attempt an explanation. His Sport in Iceland: How Small Nations Achieve International Success gets a mostly favorable review by Eivind Å. Skille.

    Where are the kids? They are in Scandinavia!

    Tre professorer inom norsk idrottsforskning, Ørnulf Seippel, Mari Kristin Sisjord och Åse Strandbu, står bakom den omfångsrika antologin Ungdom og idrett (Cappelen Damm Akademisk). Vi bad en svensk forskare med ett brinnande intresse för barn- och ungdomsidrott, Karin Redelius, att recensera boken, och vi fick en bred och kunnig översikt av en uppenbart bra och viktig bok.

    Identities, Ethnicities, Histories and Sports in Northern Norway

    Daniel Svensson has read Utafor sporet? Idrett, identiteter og regionalisme i nord [Off the beaten track: Sports, identity and regionalism in the north] (Oplandske Bokforlag), an anthology edited by Helge Chr. Pedersen och Eivind Å. Skille. Our reviewer is mostly content, but would have liked further comparative efforts.

    Olympisk utväxt under luppen – om de olympiska ungdomsspelen

    Björn Sandahl har tagit sig an antologin The Youth Olympic Games sammanställd av Dag Vidar Hanstad, Milena M. Parent & Barrie Houlihan (Routledge). Kanske något prematur, definitivt något spretig och med diffus målgrupp, är boken ändå ett innehållsrikt, viktigt och välkommet bidrag till den olympiska avknoppningsforskningen.

    Important milestone in the development of sport business research

    In his knowledgeable review of Handbook of Research on Sport and Business, an anthology from Edward Elgar edited by Sten Söderman and Harald Dolles, Hans Lundberg cleverly uncovers and balances its weak points as well as its strengths.

    From Community Based Identities to Individual Benefits for Volunteers: A Comparison of Three Sporting EventsElsa Kristiansen, Eivind Å. Skille, Dag Vidar Hanstad

    The purpose of this paper is to explore and identify different types of volunteers at three major sporting events: the 2012 Winter Youth Olympic Games in Innsbruck, Austria; the 2012 GöteborgsVarvet (a half-marathon race), Sweden; and the 2012 FIS World Ski Flying Championships in Vikersund, Norway.

    The relationship between adolescent sport participation and lifelong participation in physical activity in Norway

    Eivind Å. Skille Hedmark University College Tor Solbakken Hedmark University College Abstract In this paper, the relationship between adolescent sport participation and lifelong participation in physical activity (LLP) is scrutinized, in order to explain why people are active later in life. Literature treating the relationship between sport participation during adolescence was compared to literature into characteristics of Norwegian adolescent sport. Organized and competitive sport...
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