Tag: concussions
Call for Papers | “Remembering the Injured Brain in Sport History”, NASSH 2023 Pre-Conference Workshop | Hyatt Regency Crystal City, Washington DC‚ Thursday May 25, 2023. Call ends January...
By interrogating medical and legal documents, media reporting, and participant accounts, sport historians can begin to build a clearer and fuller picture of brain injury knowledge in sport prior to 2005. This symposium brings together historians of sport, medicine, health, law, and the media to provide much needed rigor to current debates about who should assume historical and contemporary responsibility for protecting athlete brains.
Call for Participation | “From Talent Development to Injured Athletes in Danish Hockey – Past, Present, Future” | Conference, 11th May 2018, Aalborg University Sydhavn, Copenhagen. Call ends April...
Internationally, Denmark represents an outstanding example of talent development in ice hockey, with the last two decades launching Denmark into international awareness. This conference aims to provide participants with a view into sports psychology, sports sociology, biomechanics and sports medicine. Professionals from all over the world are expected to participate.
Call for Papers | “Concussion in Sport, Exercise, and Performance: Psychological Perspectives” | Special issue of Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology
This special issue will focus on psychological perspectives of concussion in sport, exercise, and performance. The objective of this issue is to provide the reader with emerging research on psychological issues associated with concussion. We are interested in receiving submissions that describe primarily empirical studies, but we will also consider reviews as well as commentaries.
Call for Papers: ICSSPE’s online journal. Deadline Feb. 28, 2014
The next edition of the online journal of ICSSPE, International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education, ontains a Special Feature on Global Perspectives on Front Line Care for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Sport (MTBI).
The Special Feature will be edited by Carl Cramer (Barry University, US) and encompasses the following subheadings:
Baseline intake assessment techniques
Injury assessment and reassessment protocol
Return to play protocol
National association and/or...