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    What has Covid-19 meant for sports? Too soon to tell.

    The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on every aspect of our social, cultural, and commercial lives, including the world of sport. Philosophy, Sport, and the Pandemic, edited by Jeffrey P. Fry and Andrew Edgar (Routledge), examines the ethical and philosophical dimensions of the intersection of COVID-19 and sport. Shawn Klein finds some really good contributions, but also chapters that are repetitive, or not sufficiently philosophical, or where the Covid relevance is tenuous. Recommendable, thus, but with qualifications.

    The International Journal of the History of Sport, Volume 39, 2022, Issue 4 | Sport, Christianity and Gender

    The International Journal of the History of Sport is the world’s leading sport history academic periodical with fully-refereed global coverage of the subject. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Sister Rose Ann Fleming: An Unlikely Point Guard and Gender-Holistic Servant-Leader by Dung Q. Tran.

    Journal of the Philosophy of Sport, Volume 48, 2021, Issue 3 | Games: Agency as Art, by C. Thi Nguyen

    The Journal of the Philosophy of Sport provides a forum for discussion of philosophical issues – metaphysical, ethical, epistemological, aesthetic, or otherwise – arising in sport, games, play, dance, embodiment, and other motor-related activities. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: The opacity of play: a reply to commentators by C. Thi Nguyen.

    The International Journal of the History of Sport, Volume 38, 2021, Issue 1 | Fantasy Sport

    The International Journal of the History of Sport is the world’s leading sport history academic periodical with fully-refereed global coverage of the subject. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Communication as Commodity Exchange: Mapping the Media Ecology of Fantasy Sport by Travis R. Bell.

    Läsvärt om ikoniska ögonblick i amerikansk idrottshistoria

    Idrottshistorikern Steven Gietschier bad ett gäng kolleger att välja och skriva om var sitt ikoniskt ögonblick i amerikansk idrottshistoria, och ställde samman deras bidrag i boken Replays, Rivalries, and Rumbles: The Most Iconic Moments in American Sports (University of Illinois Press). Hans Bolling finner att Gietschier och övriga bidragsgivare skrivit en spännande amerikansk idrottshistorik.

    Approaching the Interworld of Play in Sports

    Of the four conferences on philosophy of play in recent years arranged by Malcolm MacLean, Wendy Russell and Emily Ryall, each of the first three appear in book form. In this review essay, Ejgil Jespersen looks particularly at the contributions that discuss play in relation to sports, but he finds the whole trilogy both commendable and recommendable.

    Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, Volume 12, 2018, Issue 1: Sport and Spirituality

    Sport, Ethics and Philosophy publishes high quality articles from a wide variety of philosophical traditions, and is particularly open to essays of applied philosophy that engage with issues or practice, policy and scholarship concerning the nature and values of sports.

    Exciting new anthology helps us understand sporting activities better

    The anthology Defining Sport: Conceptions and Borderlines is the first title in a new series from Lexington Books, Studies in Philosopy of Sport. The series editor is Shawn E. Klein, and Dr. Klein is also the editor of this interesting anthology, which is reviewed here by Anne Tjønndal.

    Ny bok om lekens och lekandets filosofi – rik men stundtals också krävande

    En konferens om lek vid University of Gloucestershire blev till en antologi, The Philosophy of Play under redaktörskap av Emily Ryall, Wendy Russell & Malcolm MacLean. Lars H Gustafssons grundliga, gedigna recension ger mersmak...
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