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    Movimento, Vol 30, Jan.–Dec. 2024

    Movimento offers free and immediate access to its content , based on the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater global democratization of knowledge. The Forum editor’s pick from the current volume: Subverting the rules in sport by Miroslav Imbrišević (open access).

    Journal of the Philosophy of Sport, Volume 51, 2024, Issue 1

    The Journal of the Philosophy of Sport provides a forum for discussion of philosophical issues – metaphysical, ethical, epistemological, aesthetic, or otherwise – arising in sport, games, play, dance, embodiment, and other motor-related activities. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: vy J. S. Russell.

    Quest, Volume 75, 2023, Issue 1 | Daryl Siedentop: A tribute to his legacy in physical education and sport pedagogy

    Quest is the official journal of the National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education (NAKHE). It is the leading journal for interdisciplinary scholarship for professionals in kinesiology in higher education. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Siedentop: A Memoir of the Man from Pomerene Hall by Richard. Tinning.

    Journal of the Philosophy of Sport, Volume 50, 2023, Issue 1

    The Journal of the Philosophy of Sport provides a forum for discussion of philosophical issues – metaphysical, ethical, epistemological, aesthetic, or otherwise – arising in sport, games, play, dance, embodiment, and other motor-related activities. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: by Sinclair A. MacRae.

    Journal of Olympic Studies, Volume 3, 2022, Number 2 | The Olympic Scholarship of John J. MacAloon

    By placing scholars from various disciplines side-by-side on the common topic of the Olympic Games, JOS (available in both print and electronic format and marketed to a global scholarly audience) aims to promote and encourage a multi-disciplinary understanding of the Olympic Movement. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: The Professionalization of the International Olympic Committee Administration by Jean-Loup Chappelet.

    Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, Volume 16, 2022, Issue 1

    Sport, Ethics and Philosophy is an international peer-reviewed journal which publishes original research contributions to scientific knowledge. It publishes high quality articles from a wide variety of philosophical traditions. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: The Play of Champions: Toward a Theory of Skill in eSport by Lasse Juel Larsen.

    Kinesiology Review, Volume 10, 2021, Issue 3 | Commemorating George Brooks’s Perspectives on the Academic Discipline of Physical Education (Open Access)

    Kinesiology Review is a peer-reviewed publication whose mission ir is to advance the field of Kinesiology by publishing evaluative, insightful, and integrative scholarly reviews of kinesiology research, both basic and applied. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: From Sport Psychology to Sport and Exercise Psychology: A 40-year Update by Diane L. Gill, Erin J. Reifsteck, Leilani Madrigal.

    Kinesiology Review, Volume 10, 2021, Issue 2 | The State of Kinesiology: Musings of Prominent Professionals in the Field

    Kinesiology Review is a peer-reviewed publication whose mission ir is to advance the field of Kinesiology by publishing evaluative, insightful, and integrative scholarly reviews of kinesiology research, both basic and applied. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Having a Little Confidence: A Career of Studying Self-Efficacy in Sport by Deborah L. Feltz.

    Journal of Olympic Studies, Volume 1, 2020, Number 1

    By placing scholars from various disciplines side-by-side on the common topic of the Olympic Games, JOS (available in both print and electronic format and marketed to a global scholarly audience) aims to promote and encourage a multi-disciplinary understanding of the Olympic Movement. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: MILT CAMPBELL: OLYMPIC DECATHLON CHAMPION “FAMOUS FOR NOT BEING FAMOUS” by David K. Wiggins.

    Kinesiology Review, Volume 9, 2020, Issue 1: Proceedings of the National Academy of Kinesiology’s 2019 Meeting: Optimization of Human Performance

    Kinesiology Review is the official, peer-reviewed publication of the National Academy of Kinesiology and the American Kinesiology Association. Its mission is to advance the field of Kinesiology by publishing evaluative, insightful, and integrative scholarly reviews of kinesiology research, both basic and applied. Editor’s pick from the current issue: WHAT IS THE VALUE OF PURSUING OPTIMAL ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE? by Cesar R. Torres.
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