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    Tag: Carol R. Glass

    Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, Volume 35, 2023, Issue 2

    The Journal of Applied Sport Psychology is a refereed journal designed to advance thought, theory, and research on applied aspects of sport and exercise psychology. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: A randomized controlled study of mindful sport performance enhancement and psychological skills training with collegiate track and field athletes by Megan Hut, Thomas O. Minkler, Carol R. Glass, Caroline H. Weppner, Hannah M. Thomas & Claire B. Flannery.

    Psychology of Sport and Exercise, Vol. 58, January 2022

    Psychology of Sport and Exercise is an international forum for scholarly reports in the psychology of sport and exercise, broadly defined. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Affordance-based control in deceptive and non-deceptive penalties in soccer goalkeeping: Gender matter by Ran Zheng, John van der Kamp, Xinyong Song, Geert Savelsbergh.

    Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, Volume 33, 2021, Issue 6

    The Journal of Applied Sport Psychology is a refereed journal designed to advance thought, theory, and research on applied aspects of sport and exercise psychology. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Mental toughness in sport: The Goal-Expectancy-Self-Control (GES) model by Christiana Bédard Thom, Frédéric Guay & Christiane Trottier.

    Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, Volume 11, 2020, Issue 2

    The aim of the Journal of Sport Psychology in Action is to provide psychology practitioners involved in the sport industry with sound information that is immediately applicable to their work. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: PRACTITIONERS’ REFLECTIONS OF WORKING WITH THE MINDFULNESS-ACCEPTANCE-COMMITMENT (MAC) APPROACH IN TEAM SPORT SETTINGS by Torbjörn Josefsson, Rasmus Tornberg, Henrik Gustafsson & Andreas Ivarsson.

    Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, Volume 13, 2019, Issue 4

    The Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology (JCSP) a scholarly refereed journal designed to stimulate thought, promote empirical investigation, and disseminate scientifically informed knowledge related to the comprehensive psychological care and overall well-being of athletes, coaches, and sport organizations. The Journal seeks to promote an understanding of theory, technique, and empirical findings specifically related to clinical sport psychology

    Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, Volume 10, 2019, Issue 4: The Application of Mindfulness and Acceptance Approaches to Sport Performers

    The aim of the Journal of Sport Psychology in Action is to provide psychology practitioners involved in the sport industry with sound information that is immediately applicable to their work. It provides sport psychologists with useful and sensible informed guidance that will make a difference in the way they practice. The scope of JSPA is any information that assists sport psychology practitioners to better understand, assess, and intervene with clients.

    Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, Volume 11, 2017, Issue 3

    The Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology (JCSP) is intended to be a scholarly refereed journal designed to stimulate thought, promote empirical investigation, and disseminate scientifically informed knowledge related to the comprehensive psychological care and overall well-being of athletes, coaches, and sport organizations.
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