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    Journal of Sport & Social Issues, Vol. 47, 2023, No. 3

    JSSI brings you the latest research, discussion and analysis on contemporary sport issues. In JSSI scholars study the impact of sport on social issues from many perspectives. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Alcohol use by Athletes: Hierarchy, status, and Reciprocity by Marc Harris, Carwyn Jones, and David Brown (open access).

    Journal of Sport Management, Volume 38, 2024, Issue 2

    JSM encourages the submission of manuscripts in a number of areas as they relate to the management, governance, and consumption of sport. Studies using quantitative and/or qualitative approaches are welcomed. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Fan Engagement Behavior: Validation of a Theory-Based Scale by Masayuki Yoshida, Rui Biscaia, Sebastian Uhrich, Brian S. Gordon, Marcel Huettermann, Makoto Nakazawa.

    Journal of Sport Management, Volume 36, 2022, Issue 4

    JSM encourages the submission of manuscripts in a number of areas as they relate to the management, governance, and consumption of sport. Studies using quantitative and/or qualitative approaches are welcomed. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Female Sports Officials and Mental Health: The Overlooked Problem by Jacob K. Tingle, Brittany L. Jacobs, Lynn L. Ridinger, Stacy Warner.

    Sport Management Review, Volume 23, 2020, Issue 1 | Managing Abuse and Integrity in Sport

    Sport Management Review is published as a service to sport industries worldwide. It is a multidisciplinary journal concerned with the management, marketing, and governance of sport at all levels and in all its manifestations. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: ORGANISATIONAL FACTORS AND NON-ACCIDENTAL VIOLENCE IN SPORT: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW by Victoria Roberts, Victor Sojo, Felix Grant.

    Sport Management Education Journal, Volume 14, 2020, Issue 1

    SMEJ promotes advancement of the body of knowledge in pedagogy as it relates to sport management education and disseminates knowledge about sport management courses, curricula, and teaching. Editor’s pick from the current issue: EXPLORING THE INFLUENCE OF STIMULUS EVENTS: A CASE STUDY OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT INTERNSHIPS by Cole McClean, Michael A. Odio and Shannon Kerwin.
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