Tag: body
Call for Chapters | Bodies, Gender, Identities, an edited Open Access volume. Abstract submission deadline is May 14, 2023
The aim of this publication is to establish a dialogue between different approaches to its titular theme, Bodies, Gender, Identities, with a focus on all Asian cultures and societies as well as their diasporic manifestations. We welcome contributions that address any issue related to the theme, such as the governance of life; embodiment and affect; gendered experiences; gender diversity and sexualities; performance and the construction of identities; social and cultural practices concerning birth and death, food, spirituality, love and intimacy, pain, etc.
Call for Papers | Women’s Bodies, Women’s Rights. Health Feminism, Reproductive Knowledge and Women’s Activism Across Europe in the long 20th Century | University of Konstanz, Germany, October 19–21,...
With its broader regional focus, the conference aims at decentering the history of Western European health feminism. Including Eastern European (and Eastern German) trajectories and constellations helps to reconsider key issues of current research: Can we trace elements of health feminism – understood here as a women’s social movement that framed women's physical and reproductive health as a central component of individual rights – also in socialist countries of the 1970s and 1980s?
Call for Chapters | Body, Politics, and Nation: Intersections of (Post)Modernity. Call ends February 28, 2023
Taking the timely but historically-rooted entanglements between the three – body, politics and nation seriously, we are particularly interested in submissions that highlight how the state and capitalism in their neoliberal iterations seek to control, mould, and discipline the body along the axes of gender, caste, race, sexuality, income etc. in their pursuit of power and profit.
Call for Papers | “Body and Sexuality: Beyond Cultural Binaries”, Special Issue of Language, Literature, and Interdisciplinary Studies | Call ends February 15, 2023
The heteronormative paradigms of sexuality oversimplify the lived experiences of body and overlook the pitfalls of essentialism, biologism and naturalism. So, the questions germane to this area are: How does the focus on material body and its sexuality make it a site of socio-political inscription? How does the “pharmaco-pornographic regimes,” to use Paul Preciado’s phrase, reformulate the bodily identity in twenty-first century? How does politics of difference negotiate and overcome the so-called discursivation of gendered bodies?
Call for Papers | Spaces in Between: Bridging Movement Meaning Research & Practice | Dansk bevægelses- og idrætspædagogisk forskningsnetværk, den 10 november 2022, Købehavns Universitet. Deadline för abstracts den 3...
Hermed indbydes der til den femte konference i Dansk bevægelses- og idrætspædagogisk forskningsnetværk, BRIDGING. Målet er at bygge bro mellem alle som arbejder kvalitativt med idræt og bevægelse og mellem forskning, udvikling og praksis. Igen i år vil konferencen give mulighed for, at deltagerne kan få inspiration og deltage i spændende præsentationer og udviklende diskussioner med kollegaer fra de forskellige institutioner.
Call for Chapters | Body, Politics, and Nation: Intersections of (Post)Modernity. Call ends August 31, 2020
Taking the timely but historically-rooted entanglements between the three – body, politics and nation seriously, we are particularly interested in submissions that highlight how the state and capitalism in their neoliberal iterations seek to control, mould, and discipline the body along the axes of gender, caste, race, sexuality, income etc. in their pursuit of power and profit.
Call for Chapter Proposals | Female Body Image in Contemporary Indian Literature and Popular Culture (Edited collection; publishing interest from Routledge). Call ends August 31, 2020
Through critically informed narrative analysis of contemporary literature, films, web series, advertisements, newspaper columns, and social media postings, among others, Female Body Image in Contemporary Indian Literature and Popular Culture attempts to bring together essays that highlight how millions of Indian women languish under the everyday experience of beauty labor hoping to appear normatively beautiful.
Call for Abstracts | “Somaesthetics and Sport” | Special Volume of Studies in Somaesthetics. Call ends November 15, 2018
We welcome contributions from scholars, from any discipline and on any aspect of sport, with an interest in cultivating the dialogue between sport and somaesthetics. We are interested not only in applications of somaesthetics to sport, but in ways that the study of sport may contribute new questions, topics, and methods to somaesthetics.
Call for Papers | Commentary & Criticism on “Corporeal Media” | Feminist Media Studies. Call ends September 15, 2018
It is time for feminist media studies to refocus its attention on the body. Inspired by both old and new materialisms, we welcome essays that address embodied experiences, physical symptoms, labor practices and corporeal regimes that speak to ways of knowing massively-distributed media networks and/or sketch new directions for feminist media studies.
Call for Papers | Posing the Body: Stillness, Movement, and Representation |6–7 May 2016, University of Westminster & Somerset House, London
This symposium will assert the importance of pose as both a creative practice and an emerging area of critical inquiry. It will bring together multi-disciplinary academics and practitioners to discuss and develop new ways of understanding pose and posing in a historical and contemporary context.