Tag: Beatriz García
A comprehensive volume, unique in the field of Olympic and Paralympic studies
Routledge Handbook of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, edited by Dikaia Chatziefstathiou, Borja García & Benoit Séguin (Routledge) presents new research and broad surveys exploring pressing debates, challenges and possible solutions surrounding the modern Olympic and Paralympic Games, across diverse socioeconomic and political contexts. Our reviewer Björn Sandahl contends that the handbook serves as a rich introduction to its field of study and thus should be of great interest to students and the interested general public.
Journal of Olympic Studies, Volume 3, 2022, Number 2 | The Olympic Scholarship of John J. MacAloon
By placing scholars from various disciplines side-by-side on the common topic of the Olympic Games, JOS (available in both print and electronic format and marketed to a global scholarly audience) aims to promote and encourage a multi-disciplinary understanding of the Olympic Movement. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: The Professionalization of the International Olympic Committee Administration by Jean-Loup Chappelet.
Studie av satsningar på kultur i anslutning till olympiska spel
Kultur i anslutning till OS behandlas i Beatriz Garcias The Olympic Games and Cultural Policy (Routledge) som i sin tur behandlas i Christian Widholms milt kritiska men i grunden positiva recension, dock med uppmaningen ”Kill your darlings!”.
Tönnies, Guttmann och olympismen – Gemeinschaft, Gesellschaft eller mittemellan?
Christian Widholm recenserar Andy Miahs och Beatriz Garcías bok om olympismens grunder, The Olympics: The Basics, och knyter därvid an till både den tyske artonhundratalssociologen Ferdinand Tönnies och Allen Guttmanns sportifieringsmatris.