Tag: Andrew C. Billings
International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Vol. 52, 2017, No. 7
The International Review for the Sociology of Sport is a peer reviewed academic journal. Its main purpose is to disseminate research and scholarship on sport throughout the international academic community. The journal publishes research articles of varying lengths, from standard length research papers to shorter reports and commentary, as well as book and media reviews.
Leading sport and media scholars unearth the mediatization of sport mega-events
Lawrence A. Wenner and Andrew C. Billings have gathered leading scholars in the field of sport media studies for their edited volume Sport, Media and Mega-Events (Routledge), in which each contribution takes stock of a mega-event in terms of the level of mediatization. Henk Erik Meier is our knowledgeable reviewer, and he’s impressed.
Journal of Global Sport Management Volume 2, 2017, issue 2
The Journal of Global Sport Management (JGSM) aims to be the global platform for focused, rigorous, and interdisciplinary research that has originality, depth, and clarify of insights into significant issues and developments of interest to sport management. Its main objectives: to advance research; to enhance practice; and to facilitate good policy-making decisions.
Exciting new anthology helps us understand sporting activities better
The anthology Defining Sport: Conceptions and Borderlines is the first title in a new series from Lexington Books, Studies in Philosopy of Sport. The series editor is Shawn E. Klein, and Dr. Klein is also the editor of this interesting anthology, which is reviewed here by Anne Tjønndal.
Slim volume that puts olympic media in new light
Eurosport, owned by Discovery, will be exclusive multiplatform broadcast supplier in Europe of 2018–2024 Olympic Games. Given that, suggests Erik Meier, The Global Impact of Olympic Media at London 2012 by Andrew C. Billings & Marie C. Hardin (eds.) from Routledge is welcome, and important, reading.
An in-depth look at the make-up of the participants of fantasy sport
The Fantasy Sport Industry: Games within games is the first major academic study of this widespread form of leisure. It is written by Andrew C. Billings & Brody J. Ruihley, and our reviewer is philosopher Shawn E. Klein, otherwise known as The Sport Ethicist.
Billings senaste bok om idrott och medier av diskutabelt värde
En av mediesportforskningens stora, Andrew C. Billings, når inte sin sedvanliga nivå i senaste boken, Communication and Sport: Surveying the Field, skriven tillsammans med Michael L. Butterworth och Paul D. Turman, menar vår recensent Marit Nybelius.
Tonvikt på sociala medier
Idrott och medier och symbiosen dem emellan är ett fenomen av central betydelse inom dagens sportvärld, och det har forskats och skrivits en del; dock, menar Marit Nybelius, finns det en rad brister som en ny bok i området bidrar till att komma till rätta med. Antologin Sports Media: Transformation, Integration, Consumption är redigerad av Andrew Billings, och vår recensent är i stort sett mycket nöjd med boken, men påtagligt irriterad över dess höga pris.