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    Tag: Alex Krumer

    A well-written, sensation seeking book marred by fundamental analytical flaws

    In Pressure: Lessons from the psychology of the penalty shootout (New River Books), psychologist Professor Geir Jordet presents his studies of the psychological elements of the penalty shootout, and the universal human stress mechanisms that it triggers. Professors Kjetil Kåre Haugen and Alex Krumer read Jordet’s book, and in their review for they find the book to be well-written but regrettably also marred by fundamental flaws in its statistical analyses.

    European Sport Management Quarterly, Volume 23, 2023, Issue 2

    ESMQ publishes articles that contribute to our understanding of sport organizations. The Journal sets out to enhance our understanding of the role of sport management and sport bodies in social life. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Discouragement effect and alternative formats to increase suspense in professional biathlon by Alex Krumer.

    European Sport Management Quarterly, Volume 20, 2020, Issue 2

    ESMQ publishes articles that contribute to our understanding of how sport organizations are structured, managed and operated. The Journal sets out to enhance our understanding of the role of sport management and sport bodies in social life. Editor’s pick from the current issue: THE ROLE OF SPORT ORGANIZATIONS FOR LOCAL AND NATIONAL COMMUNITY – THE CASE OF SÁMI SPORT ORGANIZATIONS by Eivind Å. Skille & Josef Fahlén.
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