Sports, Volume 7, 2019, Issue 8


Cover Story

Article: Effects of Pre-Exercise High and Low Glycaemic Meal on Intermittent Sprint and Endurance Exercise Performance
Man Tong Chua, Govindasamy Balasekaran, Mohammed Ihsan and Abdul Rashid Aziz
Sports 2019, 7(8), 188; doi:10.3390/sports7080188


Review: Meta-Analysis to Determine Normative Values for the Special Judo Fitness Test in Male Athletes: 20+ Years of Sport-Specific Data and the Lasting Legacy of Stanisław Sterkowicz
Katarzyna Sterkowicz-Przybycień, David H. Fukuda and Emerson Franchini
Sports 2019, 7(8), 194; doi:10.3390/sports7080194

Article: Effect of a Home-based Exercise Program on Shoulder Pain and Range of Motion in Elite Wheelchair Basketball Players: A Non-Randomized Controlled Trial
Saleky García-Gómez, Javier Pérez-Tejero, Marco Hoozemans and Rubén Barakat
Sports 2019, 7(8), 180; doi:10.3390/sports7080180

Article: Perfectionism, Body Satisfaction and Dieting in Athletes: The Role of Gender and Sport Type
Katarina Prnjak, Ivan Jukic and James J. Tufano
Sports 2019, 7(8), 181; doi:10.3390/sports7080181

Article: Outdoor Therapy: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis Examining the Lived-Experience, Embodied, and Therapeutic Process through Interpersonal Process Recall
Heidi Schwenk
Sports 2019, 7(8), 182; doi:10.3390/sports7080182

Article: Effect of Jump Direction on Joint Kinetics of Take-Off Legs in Double-Leg Rebound Jumps
Yasushi Kariyama
Sports 2019, 7(8), 183; doi:10.3390/sports7080183

Article: Using A Soft Conformable Foot Sensor to Measure Changes in Foot Strike Angle During Running
Herman van Werkhoven, Kathryn A. Farina and Mark H. Langley
Sports 2019, 7(8), 184; doi:10.3390/sports7080184

Article: Effects of Listening to Preferred versus Non-Preferred Music on Repeated Wingate Anaerobic Test Performance
Christopher G. Ballmann, Daniel J. Maynard, Zachary N. Lafoon, Mallory R. Marshall, Tyler D. Williams and Rebecca R. Rogers
Sports 2019, 7(8), 185; doi:10.3390/sports7080185

Article: The Effectiveness of Progressive and Traditional Coaching Strategies to Improve Sprint and Jump Performance Across Varying Levels of Maturation within a General Youth Population
Regan Standing and Peter Maulder
Sports 2019, 7(8), 186; doi:10.3390/sports7080186

Article: Acute Metabolic Changes with Thigh-Positioned Wearable Resistances during Submaximal Running in Endurance-Trained Runners
Allister P. Field, Nicholas Gill, Paul Macadam and Dan Plews
Sports 2019, 7(8), 187; doi:10.3390/sports7080187

Article: Effects of Linear Versus Changes of Direction Repeated Sprints on Intermittent High Intensity Running Performance in High-level Junior Football Players over an Entire Season: A Randomized Trial
Edvard H Sagelv, Ivar Selnæs, Sigurd Pedersen, Svein Arne Pettersen, Morten B Randers and Boye Welde
Sports 2019, 7(8), 189; doi:10.3390/sports7080189

Article: The Reliability of Using a Laser Device to Assess Deceleration Ability
Jonty Ashton and Paul A. Jones
Sports 2019, 7(8), 191; doi:10.3390/sports7080191

Article: Effects of Bio-Banding upon Physical and Technical Performance during Soccer Competition: A Preliminary Analysis
Will Abbott, Stuart Williams, Gary Brickley and Nicholas J Smeeton
Sports 2019, 7(8), 193; doi:10.3390/sports7080193

Article: Trunk and Upper Body Fatigue Adversely Affect Running Economy: A Three-Armed Randomized Controlled Crossover Pilot Trial
Scott N. Drum, Ludwig Rappelt and Lars Donath
Sports 2019, 7(8), 195; doi:10.3390/sports7080195

Commentary: Rethinking Tourist Wellbeing through the Concept of Slow Adventure
Jelena Farkić and Steve Taylor
Sports 2019, 7(8), 190; doi:10.3390/sports7080190

Editorial: Editorial: Fatigue and Recovery in Football
Neil Clarke and Mark Noon
Sports 2019, 7(8), 192; doi:10.3390/sports7080192

Special Issues Open for Submissions

Psychophysiological Response in Sports
(Deadline: 30 September 2019)

Monitoring Physiological Adaptation to Physical Training
(Deadline: 30 September 2019)

Physiological Responses and Adaptations in Resistance Exercise
(Deadline: 30 September 2019)

Optimising Interval Training Prescription
(Deadline: 1 October 2019)

Applied Sport Science for Elite Athletes
(Deadline: 31 October 2019)

To access the full list of Special Issues, please click here

Recent Special Issue Reprint

Strength and Conditioning
Lee E. Brown (Ed.)
ISBN 978-3-03842-346-1 (Pbk); ISBN 978-3-03842-347-8 (PDF)


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