Social predictors of psychological need satisfaction and well-being among female adolescent gymnasts: A longitudinal analysis.
Page 153-169
Kipp, Lindsay E.; Weiss, Maureen R.
Coach transitions: Influence of interpersonal and work environment factors.
Page 170-187
Knight, C. J.; Rodgers, W. M.; Reade, I. L.; Mrak, J. M.; Hall, C. R.
Athletes’ regulation of emotions experienced during competition: A naturalistic video-assisted study.
Page 188-205
Martinent, Guillaume; Ledos, Sylvain; Ferrand, Claude; Campo, Mickaël; Nicolas, Michel
Exploring the independent and interactive effects of autonomy-supportive and controlling coaching behaviors on adolescent athletes’ motivation for sport.
Page 206-218
Amorose, Anthony J.; Anderson-Butcher, Dawn
“Getting connected”: High school physical education teacher behaviors that facilitate students’ relatedness support perceptions.
Page 219-236
Sparks, Cassandra; Dimmock, James; Whipp, Peter; Lonsdale, Chris; Jackson, Ben