Using photo-elicitation to examine artefacts in a sport club: logistical considerations and strategies throughout the research process
Cathy Mills & Larena Hoeber
Pages: 1-20
DOI: 10.1080/2159676X.2012.712989
Career transitions and identity: a discursive psychological approach to exploring athlete identity in retirement and the transition back into elite sport
Suzanne Cosh, Amanda LeCouteur, Shona Crabb & Lisa Kettler
Pages: 21-42
DOI: 10.1080/2159676X.2012.712987
Gender, physical activity and fear: women, exercise and the great outdoors
Lindsey Kilgour & Andrew Parker
Pages: 43-57
DOI: 10.1080/2159676X.2012.718619
Swim club membership and the reproduction of happy, healthy children
Jaime R. DeLuca
Pages: 58-79
DOI: 10.1080/2159676X.2013.766811
‘Leave all the troubles of the outside world’: a qualitative study on the binary benefits of ‘Boxercise’ for individuals with mental health difficulties
Kate Hefferon, Rebecca Mallery, Chloe Gay & Simeon Elliott
Pages: 80-102
DOI: 10.1080/2159676X.2012.712995
Taming the ‘Dragon’: using voice recognition software for transcription in disability research within sport and exercise psychology
Marie-Josée Perrier & Joanna Kirkby
Pages: 103-108
DOI: 10.1080/2159676X.2012.712996
A grounded theory of successful long-term physical activity behaviour change
A.J. Hutchison, L.H. Johnston & J.D. Breckon
Pages: 109-126
DOI: 10.1080/2159676X.2012.693529
Knowing the ‘Going’: the sensory evaluation of distance running
John Hockey
Pages: 127-141
DOI: 10.1080/2159676X.2012.693531
Book reviews
Ethics in sport coaching, edited by Alun Hardman and Carwyn Jones, Abingdon, Routledge, 2011, £26.99 (paperback), £92.00 (hardback), ISBN 978-0-415-55775-7, 978-0-415-55774-0
Kitrina Douglas
Pages: 142-151
DOI: 10.1080/2159676X.2012.693532
Young people’s voices in Physical Education and Youth Sport, edited by Mary O’Sullivan and Ann MacPhail, London, Routledge, 2010, £95.00 (hardback), ISBN13: 978-0-415-48744-3, £25.99 (paperback), ISBN13: 0978-0-415-4875-0
Kevin Morgan
Pages: 151-156
DOI: 10.1080/2159676X.2012.712992