Special issue of Psychology of Sport and Exercise ‘The development of expertise and excellence in sport psychology’
Introduction to the special issue
Pages 1-2
Markus Raab, Chris Harwood
Defining elite athletes: Issues in the study of expert performance in sport psychology
Original Research Article, Pages 3-14
Christian Swann, Aidan Moran, David Piggott
The predictive ability of the talent development environment on youth elite football players’ well-being: A person-centered approach
Original Research Article, Pages 15-23
Andreas Ivarsson, Andreas Stenling, Johan Fallby, Urban Johnson, Elin Borg, Gunnar Johansson
Parenting in youth sport: A position paper on parenting expertise
Original Research Article, Pages 24-35
Chris G. Harwood, Camilla J. Knight
A perspective on consultancy teams and technology in applied sport psychology
Original Research Article, Pages 36-44
Tim Pitt, Pete Lindsay, Owen Thomas, Mark Bawden, Simon Goodwill, Sheldon Hanton
Advancing theory and application of cognitive research in sport: Using representative tasks to explain and predict skilled anticipation, decision-making, and option-generation behavior
Original Research Article, Pages 45-59
Patrick K. Belling, Joel Suss, Paul Ward
Decision making in beach volleyball defense: Crucial factors derived from interviews with top-level experts
Original Research Article, Pages 60-73
Olivia Schläppi-Lienhard, Ernst-Joachim Hossner
Take a walk on the wild side: Exploring, identifying, and developing consultancy expertise with elite performance team leaders
Original Research Article, Pages 74-82
Dave Collins, Andrew Cruickshank
The dynamics of expertise acquisition in sport: The role of affective learning design
Original Research Article, Pages 83-90
Jonathon Headrick, Ian Renshaw, Keith Davids, Ross A. Pinder, Duarte Araújo
Understanding team resilience in the world’s best athletes: A case study of a rugby union World Cup winning team
Original Research Article, Pages 91-100
Paul B.C. Morgan, David Fletcher, Mustafa Sarkar
What trainee sport psychologists want to learn in supervision
Original Research Article, Pages 101-109
R.I. (Vana) Hutter, Tanja Oldenhof-Veldman, Raôul R.D. Oudejans
Enhancing performance proficiency at the expert level: Considering the role of ‘somaesthetic awareness’
Original Research Article, Pages 110-117
John Toner, Aidan Moran
Investigating the efficacy of neurofeedback training for expediting expertise and excellence in sport
Original Research Article, Pages 118-127
Christopher Ring, Andrew Cooke, Maria Kavussanu, David McIntyre, Rich Masters
Predicting success in the National Basketball Association: Stability & potential
Original Research Article, Pages 128-136
Jerad H. Moxley, Tyler J. Towne