The Rise of the Shamateur: The International Olympic Committee, Broken-Time Payments, and the Preservation of the Amateur Ideal, 1925-1930
Matthew P. Llewellyn & John Gleaves
Media Coverage of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia: Putin, Politics, and Pussy Riot
Jules Boykoff & Matthew Yasuoka
Les dispositifs d’aménagement des sites olympiques : vecteurs de développement du slalom en canoë?
Antoine Marsac
Winning Gold at Passport Control: Asylum-Seeking Olympians and the Olympic Passport
Justin Margolis
Book Review Essay
Third Space or Middle-of-the-Road? Review of ‘On the Wrong Side of the Track?: East London and the Post Olympics, by Phil Cohen
Heather Sykes
Book Reviews
Activism and the Olympics: Dissent at the Games in Vancouver and London, by Jules Boycoff. Reviewed by Sarah Teetzel, University of Manitoba