Special Edition: Doing Sport History in the Digital Present
Doing Sport History in the Digital Present
Jennifer J. Sterling, Murray G. Phillips, Mary G. McDonald
Toward a Praxis of Critical Digital Sport History
Jennifer Guiliano
Two Turns around the Digital: Horse Racing, Maps, and Process
Jonathan Silverman
Mapping Politics into the Stadium: Political Demonstrations and Soccer Culture in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1973–74
Jennifer L. Schaefer
Omeka to ¡Animales! Building a Digital Repository of Research on Argentine Soccer
Rwany Sibaja
The Power of Blogging: Rethinking Scholarship and Reshaping Boundaries at Sport in American History
Andrew McGregor
Writing Sport Online: An Analysis of the Pitfalls and Potential of Academic Blogging
Andrew D. Linden, Lindsay Parks Pieper
New Media, Old Methods: Archiving and Close Reading the Sports Blog
Noah Cohan
The Passionate, Pathologized Bodies of Sports Fans: How the Digital Turn Might Facilitate a New Cultural History of Modern Spectator Sports
Matthew Klugman
Tweet Out?: Twitter, Archived Data, and the Social Memory of Out LGBT Athletes
Gary Osmond
The Culture of Moving Dots: Toward a History of Counting and of What Counts in Basketball
Yago Colás
Digital Sport History, with Costs: An Ecocentric Critique
Dain Tepoel