‘Wushu belongs to the world’. But the gold goes to China…: The international development of the Chinese martial arts
Marc Theeboom, Dong Zhu, Jikkemien Vertonghen
London 2012 (Re)calling: Youth memories and Olympic ‘legacy’ ether in the hinterland
Geoffery Z Kohe
Female anglers in a predominantly male sport: Portrayals in five popular fishing-related magazines
Robert M Carini, Jonetta D Weber
Disabled sportswomen and gender construction in powerchair football
Rémi Richard, Helene Joncheray. Eric Dugas
The moral glocalization of sport: Local meanings of football in Chota Valley, Ecuador
Isabel Jijon
Tour du dopage: Confessions of doping professional cyclists in a modern work environment
Charlotte Smith
An elite hockey player’s experiences of video-based coaching: A poststructuralist reading
William G Taylor, Paul Potrac, Lee J Nelson, Luke Jones, Ryan Groom