- Senior lecturer, sport psychology
Affiliation, address
- Department of Psychology, Lund University,
PO Box 213, SE–221 00 Lund
Research focus
My focus area is sport and exercise psychology and my research primarily concerns:
- Implementation and behavior change
- Health promotion in relation to physical activity and exercise
- Sport psychological skills among elite upper high school students
- Social support for physical activity, exercise and sport among adolescents
Current project
Behavior change – an important aspect to reach sustainability of injury preventive training in youth team handball.
Previous project
- Attachment relationships and physical activity in adolescents: The mediation role of physical self-concept.
- Ru, L., Bunke, S. & Psouni E. (2016). Attachment relationships and physical activity in adolescents: The mediation role of physical self-concept. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 22, 160-169.
- Bunke, S. & Granér, S. (in press), Idrotts- och motionspsykologi. In S. Hedenborg (Ed.), Idrottsvetenskap. Lund: Studentlitteratur
- Mashreghi, S., Dankers, S. & Bunke, S. (2014). The Role of Motivational Climate in Multicultural Sport Classes. Swedish Journal of Sport Research, 1, 77-109.
- Bunke, S., Lohmann, A., & Wennberg, C. (2013). En vinnande väg – Idrottspsykologi för gymnasiet. Stockholm: SISU
- Bunke, S., Lohmann, A., & Wennberg, C. (2013). En vinnande väg – Idrottspsykologi för gymnasiet. Lärarhandledning. Stockholm: SISU
- Bunke, S., Apitzsch, E., & Bäckström, M. (2013). The impact of social influence on physical activity among adolescents – a longitudinal study. European Journal of Sport Science, 13 (1), 86-95. doi: 10.1080/17461391.2011.617390
- Granér, S., Apitzsch, E., Carlsson, I., Bunke, S,. & Engström, C. (2012). An experimental investigation of behavioural contagion and performance experience in basketball. Swedish Journal of Sport Research.
- Bunke, S. (2011). Social support for physical activity among adolescents. Doctoral dissertation. Department of Psychology, Lund University.
- Bunke S., Apitzsch, E., & Bäckström M. (2011). Social Influence Related to Current and Intended Physical Activity Among Adolescents. European Journal of Sport Science, 11, 259-267.
On idrottsforum.org
- Sport and Exercise Psychology Joanne Thatcher, Melissa Day & Rachel Rahman London: Sage Publications 2011 (book review 130409)
Updated 2015-10-12