Call for Papers | The Sporting Arena:  Academics, Activists & Activism(s). North American Society for the Sociology of Sport


Portland, Oregon, USA, November 5-8, 2014

Submission Deadline:  20 June 2014

Australian rugby star David Pocock was among the international sportspeople supporting the Principle 6 campaign – citing the Olympic Charter – against Russia’s anti-gay laws. (Twitter/@pocockdavid)
Australian rugby star David Pocock was among the international sportspeople supporting the Principle 6 campaign – citing the Olympic Charter – against Russia’s anti-gay laws. (Twitter/@pocockdavid)

Invitation to Submit:

We invite you to submit a paper abstract for the 2014 NASSS Conference to be held in Portland, Oregon, USA, November 5-8.  Scholars from a variety of disciplines and interdisciplinary “fields” examining issues relevant to the study of sport are encouraged to submit their work.

Abstract Format and Submission:

Abstracts should be limited to 1800 characters (approx. 200 words).  The on-line submission format will guide you through required details.  Please note that due to time and space constraints presenters are limited to two presentations only (one single authored paper & one coauthored paper; or two coauthored papers).

Submission Procedure:

Paper abstracts will be accepted on-line only.  Log on to the 2014 NASSS conference web page.  See   “Conference”.  Please read through the session descriptions located under the “Conference” tab to determine which session best matches your paper’s theme.  After you have determined the session to which you want to submit your paper go to the abstract submissions tab and follow the instructions to complete and send the abstract submission form.  Please submit your abstract to one session only.  If you are unsure about which session you should submit to or you believe you have a topic that does not easily fit one of the identified sessions, please submit your abstract to the open session listed with all other descriptions.

Proposing or Adding a Session:

Please be aware that the paper sessions listed on the web are guideposts, not to be construed as the final program.  If you are unable to submit your abstract via the web, please contact Jane Stangl, Smith College, Northampton, MA, 413.585.4910, or email (preferred)

Review Process:   Review criteria include:

  • Relevance and significance of topic to sport sociology and related interdisciplinary fields
  • Clearly stated core issue, research question or objective
  • Reference to conceptual framework or methodology
  • Consideration of implications where appropriate

Abstract Submission Deadline:  June 20, 2014

Notification of Acceptance:  Late July, Early August (not later than August 8th)


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