Call for Papers | International Sports and Leisure History Colloquium | MMU Cheshire Faculty, Crewe, February 26–25, 2016


Organised by SpLeisH in conjunction with the Department of Exercise and Sports Science, Manchester Metropolitan University, Cheshire, and the BSSH North West.

Venue: MMU Cheshire Faculty, Crewe


First Call for Papers

Following the outstanding success of the first such event earlier this year, MMU’s International Sports and Leisure History research team (SpLeisH), MMU’s Department of Exercise and Sports Science (ESS) and the British Society of Sports History North-West Region (BSSH-NW) invite submission of papers for a second international gathering of history scholars on the MMU Cheshire campus in February 2016. As before, the organisers are keen to include as wide a range of papers on any aspect of sport and leisure history as possible and they encourage both independent and institutionally-affiliated researchers, including postgraduate students, to present their work. A number of our European collaborators will be attending and we would like to see as many overseas contributors as possible. Rob Lake from Douglas College in Canada will be presenting a public lecture on tennis history before the dinner planned for Friday evening and other invited speakers include Professor Jean Williams who will present on the ‘Globalisation of Motor Sport’.

The colloquium will enable researchers to present their work in one of three formats:

  1. A 40 minute paper with 15 minutes of questions.
  2. A 20 minute paper with 10 minutes of questions.
  3. A 6 minute 20 seconds pecha kucha – see for details of how this works – with 5 minutes of questions.

Scholars wishing to present should forward as an email attachment to

  • An abstract of 250-300 words maximum
  • A biography of 100 words maximum, including details of any institutional affiliation
  • A note indicating which format of presentation they are intending to utilise

The closing date for this first call is Friday 6 November.

Notification of acceptance will be emailed out by Monday 9 November.

Please note: Given the widespread interest already expressed in this colloquium and the intention of the organisers not to run parallel sessions, a format that has proved extremely popular with delegates at our previous events, it is anticipated that the number of submissions is likely to exceed the places available. It is proposed to run a further one-day event in June 2016 to accommodate papers that are not accepted on this occasion.

Other information

There will be regular updates, as and when content is available, on the SpLeisH website at including details of the programme, links to online registration and information about local accommodation. Updates will also be posted through our Twitter – @SpLeisH

Any queries should be directed to Dave Day at, via text on 07785545193 or direct Twitter message to @natationist


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