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    Tag: Timothy D. Lee

    Kinesiology Review, Volume 10, 2021, Issue 3 | Commemorating George Brooks’s Perspectives on the Academic Discipline of Physical Education (Open Access)

    Kinesiology Review is a peer-reviewed publication whose mission ir is to advance the field of Kinesiology by publishing evaluative, insightful, and integrative scholarly reviews of kinesiology research, both basic and applied. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: From Sport Psychology to Sport and Exercise Psychology: A 40-year Update by Diane L. Gill, Erin J. Reifsteck, Leilani Madrigal.

    Closing the gap between theoretical research and practice in sports coaching

    Anne Tjønndal, sport scientist and coach, finds much to appreciate in a new anthology from Routledge, Developing Sport Expertise: Researchers and coaches put theory into practice edited by Damian Farrow, Joseph Baker & Clare MacMahon.

    Classic textbook on motor control takes no account of cognitive development

    Ingegerd Ericsson reviews the classic textbook Motor Control and Learning: A Behavioral Emphasis by ichard A. Schmidt and Timothy D. Lee, which she finds generally satisfying, but in which there’s one chapter missing...
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