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    Tag: social problems

    Call for Participation | Athletes’ Social Protection: Current Solutions and Future Needs, SOPROS Hybrid Conference | German Sport University Cologne, April 8, 2024

    This event will bring together experts and stakeholders from sport governance, politics and academia at the German Sport University Cologne. The project team is proud to present its Self-Assessment Tools for athletes and stakeholders which aim to systematically assess the current status quo of national policies protecting athletes in Olympic sports against social risks. Current research highlights that different countries have developed various measures and solutions to ensure the social protection of elite athletes. Still, gaps may prevail.

    Vacancy | Research Associate in Sport, Culture & Education for Sustainable Development | Loughborough University

    A Research Associate is required to work on an exciting, ESRC-funded project studying the role of sport, cultural and educational programmes in promoting sustainable development. As part of our research team, you will undertake research into the organisation and delivery of these programmes in three international locations (Cape Verde, Nepal and Timor Leste).

    “The Role of Social Work Practice, Advocacy, and Research in College Athletics” | Special issue of Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics

    Many of the articles included in this special issue present strong evidence for athlete vulnerability. Included articles discuss mental health risks, patterns of disordered eating, substance and alcohol use, sexual assault and interpersonal violence, learning disabilities, criminal activity, stigmatization of behavioral health concerns, and sociocultural risks.

    David Ekholm disputerar: Sport as a Means of Responding to Social Problems: Rationales of Government, Welfare and Social Change

    Fredagen den 30 september 2016, kl 10:15, lägger David Ekholm fram sin avhandling inför opponent, betygsnämnd och en intresserad allmänhet vid Linköpings universitet, i sal K1, Kåkenhus, Campus Norrköping. Opponent är Lennart Nygren, professor i socialt arbete från Umeå universitet.

    Call for Papers | Social Work in Sports | October 15th 2015, Metropolitan State University, Denver, CO

    Social Work in Sports 2015: An Idea Whose Time Has Come will be a one-day symposium to discuss the role of social work in youth, high school, collegiate, amateur and professional sports.

    Call for Papers | Graduate Student Paper Competition | Sport, Leisure and the Body

    This is a Call for Papers for the 2014 Graduate Student Paper Competition for the Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP) Sport, Leisure, and the Body Division.  Please circulate widely to graduate students.  The competition is for papers that will be presented at the 2014 SSSP Conference in San Francisco, CA, in August 2014.  Papers are due...
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